Passed Nclex Dec. 2015


First of all,

To God be the Glory, if it had not been for God I would not have passed.

I just want to encourage somebody that is trying to pass. You must put God first!

I graduated in May 2015 from nursing school, using Kaplan. Kaplan is good if you know your content pretty well. First time taking the Nclex I was trying to keep up with my class it didn't work. You have to know yourself and how you learn best. I have to read over and over to get the understanding and it may take me longer to get it. So I didn't pace myself and took the Nclex in Aug. FAILED at 181 questions.

Second,time I used Hurst review along with Kaplan Q- trainer questions, Failed after taking the whole test 265. Miserable, I was shaking and a nervous wreck during the test because I was running out of time and watching the timer. What an awful experience. My focus was on trying to keep up with other people. You can't do that! It will slap you in the face. I did everything Hurst said to do except lecture out loud, big mistake. Hurst sent me the remediation packet to learn.

Third time, I learned that remediation packet front to back, I was able to read the questions and answer them out loud. "If you can say it, you can pass it", Ms. Marlene would say during the review. I did the q- review questions at the end and went back and did the Q_ trainer questions from kaplan and got 65-80 on them. The key is reading the rationales to the correct and wrong answer, until I was understanding why. I also used the Lacharity PDA question book, I did the first 18 chapters.

Took the Nclex and passed at 137 questions.

I did not do the pearsonvue trick this time. I just waited. According to the pearsonvue trick the first two times, I failed, it was right. So I was determined not to use that time. The next morning around 10 am my license number was posted on the BON site!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

What an awesome feeling of Victory!!! I can official sign RN behind my name...To God be the Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing. You have definitely helped and encouraged me not to give up on this journey. Your test has become your testimony! Congrats RN

Awesome! He is always on time. Congrats to you and your future as a RN.

Congrats, I'm so happy for you!!!!!


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