Pasco-Hernando CC Nursing 2010

U.S.A. Florida


Well, here we go, take 3!

Hopefully we'll get updates.

Whatever you do don't procrastinate on the Cultural Paper :)

Ya'll, this is a lot. I am feeling very overwhelmed. I was planning on using the weekend to catch up but it did not really work out for me. I got cranky with the kids because they are being...KIDS...and I, too, am distracted! Gah!

(plus, I miss I really like a glass of vino in the evening!! and I don't drink whilst in school!)

And OMG! What about thos LAPs?? Good grief. I have had a headache all day. I need an attitude adjustment. Someone feel free to slap me :)

Maybe we all need to stand in a circle and take turns slapping each other. :lol2:

BTW has anyone heard anything in regards to the Direct Loans?

Whatever you do don't procrastinate on the Cultural Paper :)

LOL don't worry we are going to have that done right after the first test!!! I'm going to make sure it's done by the end of September. :)

Jenn, trust me I felt the same way today as you did! I'm hoping to catch up tomorrow because today was like a waste for me. I just can't study at home at all. I think what I'm going to have to do is camp out at the school library and have a coffee IV drip in me at all times to make it through this.

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Here ya go.......


tnbutterfly, thank you! I love it lol!!

Wow, this weekend was so unproductive. I read like 2 chapters and did the vocab. THAT'S IT. I also made flash cards of the vocab (ow, my poor wrist) but did I study them? NO.

At least I got my stuff organized for the coming week, for the most part. That's something, right? ...

In case anyone decides, like I did, to go get the ati Dosage & Calculations materials...there are no instructions on how to get to the material after you "order it" in the on-line store! I immediately emailed them and here is what I was told on how to access/locate the material:

"Dosage and calculation is a tutorial and to access this module you will go to my elearning. From here you will click on the my tutorials tab and a list should populate for you to choose dosage and calculations to click on and then view

your available topics to study from."

And you also need to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player installed. My laptop crashed 3 weeks ago, so I hadn't gotten around to reinstalling everything yet (initially, I was half tempted to toss it out the window and buy a new one!) so, I had to add that to my list.

Direct Loans: I don't see it in WISE yet, but I submitted mine late. Since I was coming from another college, I where it was just automatically applied for at that school, I forgot about applying for it! I really don't expect to see anything come through until the end of August/first week September for me. Hope you hear something soon!

Yaz - I don't see any changes in WISE to my Pell either. Plus the $$ for the clicker subscription wasn't on my worksheet, so I left a message at CC to get that added on but it doesn't look like it has been done yet either. Did you call Friday?

Scrapworking, I have not seen a change on my WISE yet either. I received two calls last week, one from Josh and one from Roger but their messages went straight to voicemail because they called during class. I'll give them a call tomorrow during lunch . Also I want to talk to Terry at the business office as well. I hope it gets figured out before Pell disbursement.

I had all the intentions today to really study and do everything but I realize I need to study alone because I get way too distracted!!! So probably I'll be in class early to read and try to even read during lunch.

Good luck everyone on our first exam!! Don't forget to look at the Nursing handbook for any test questions that might be asked from it:

Well I see classes have caught up to you all! No posts in a couple weeks! Hope you are all doing well...take care from your friendly sophomore!

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