Pasadena City College Fall 2016


I applied for the fall term at PCC and haven't received any notification. Didn't see a forum created for this term and thought I'd start none to solicit feedback. Has anyone been accepted or notified of alternate status yet? Thanks!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Thread has been moved to our Schools forum. Good luck to you.

Specializes in Medical, Surgical, Telemetry.

I haven't heard anything either! I sent them a message and they never responded! I know they send rejections, so idk what's going on maybe we'll hear back soon.

I was told we would heard word by the end of last week or the first two weeks of June. It just seems odd because in past years, notifications had gone out mid May. Hopefully good news will come soon. Keeping a positive attitude. :)

Anyone heard anything yet??

I still haven't heard from them yet! It's crazy it's taking so long!

Nope. No word yet. Really a bummer, was hoping to have heard something by now. :(

Specializes in Medical, Surgical, Telemetry.

I heard back and I'm an alternate.

Same here. Got an email this morning. Fingers crossed!

got the alternate email too, anyone how long the list is ?

Alternate as well:nailbiting: I feel like I'm never getting in:(

I have a feeling pcc reaches far deep into their alternate pool due to their late notification of acceptance/rejection! I spoke to several people at GCC's orientation who said they were going to give up their seat at pcc since we had already committed to Glendale. People were also saying that many of their friends were offered a seat right up until fall classes start so have faith! Hopefully you all get in! Good luck to everyone!

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