Published Mar 12, 2015
12 Posts
I was hired par-time on my unit. Frequently I am asked to work more days than my required part-time hours. Am I obligated to pick up more hours? My hiring contract states 40 hours in a two week period. I get a lot of pressure from my supervisor, but I do not wish to add additional hours. I feel like I have my own reasons for working part-time, those who hired me agreed upon the hours and I should not be pressured to pick up more time.
117 Posts
I've always worked part-time and picked up full-time hours because it allows more flexibility in my schedule.
I'm also frequently pressured to pick up more or work more... Not just by my scheduler but by my coworkers as well.
You have your reasons for working part-time. And your contract clearly states the minimum number of hours you're required to work.
You need to stick to your guns. Give an inch, and they'll take a mile... Hopefully they'll get the hint that you're not going to cave and work more hours just because they're haranguing you about it.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I get a lot of pressure from my supervisor, but I do not wish to add additional hours.
Good luck.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
In what way is she giving you a lot of pressure?
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
If staffing is that short, they will simply have to hire more staff. I have heard of the tactic of trying to get more hours out of part-time staff as a way to avoid having to hire a full time person with full benefits and wages.
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