Palm Pilot software for nursing

Nursing Students General Students


Hi there everybody. Anybody got some good links for FREE software apps for palm pilots? I found a couple of sites (the palm home site and another one, but I want to find more free stuff and quit wading through the 9 million programs they have that cost $50 or more).

Thanks everybody!!

I just checked out the memoware site. It's got a lot of good stuff, and it's relatively easy to find. Thanks, crnasomeday!

Brandi - Thanks for the tip. I will go and check it out.

Brandi, where do you find Due Yesterday?

I plan on buying one of these with my income tax even though i will not be an actual "nursing student" until August. I have been bookmarking all these sites though and I have been trying to research PDA's the last month or so....luckily I have an Uncle with an online electronics store and I am hoping to get a good deal,lol.....thanks for the input!!!!

I've read so much "research" and "reviews" that my eyes are in the world do you pick out one of these silly things? I'm gonna email my uncle for sure,lol. i think :)

I find that URL very funny, considering that students never get sleep :)


Brandy, thanks for the post about Due seems more affordable than the 4.0 student program. I can't wait to try it out :)

The program which convinced me to go with a Palm PDA was ePocrates. It is a complete and free listing of medications which is updated daily, along with an infectious disease program which interfaces (cross-reference) with the med program. One of the ER docs got it for his Palm V and then one of the nurses got the same setup. I got a Palm Vx last December and am still using it every day. Heck, there is even a program available for the Palm called, "Holy Rosary" - this is really handy for just before you have to start that tough IV ;) ). Another good one is Check Mate, although I have not bought that one yet - it is like a 'Porter's Pocket Guide' for the Palm.

Of course, there are newer models available (Palm m500 and m505, as well as the Sony Clie units and also Handspring Visor (where do they get these names, anyway?).

By the way, I have found Palm to be one of the best companies I have dealth with, in terms of tech support (software upgrades, downloadable applications, and service. My first Palm Vx had a problem with its battery and they swapped the unit for me within a week or so; no problems since then.

Check online for deals on these things; Pricewatch is a good place to check. For reviews on them, go to CNET, although the some of the reviews may be a bit misleading (we all know what they say about opinions :D).

I use epocrates... greatest thing in the world for drugs! Ive seen stuff for code meds... some good or not. Would love to see some calculators for meds and drips. Don't do much of that anymore and it would be nice to have someting I can just punch it int if I need to. Anyone have anything, please send it along.


where did you find e-pocraties have been looking everywhere for it thanks :eek:


its there, maybe a spelling error?

Also check out Lotta stuff there... got that from the other posts on this BB:cool:

Good luck with it,

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