Pace University CDP

U.S.A. New York


If anyone is or has attended PACE in NYC please give some feedback about the CDP/accelerated BSN program.


you may want to look at programs at brookdale also. i am not interested going to brooklyn unless it is for anesthesia program and they lost accredation for 2009. right now i will look at pace on monday. it is pretty easy to get a nursing ob in nyc once you graduate. no one really looks at the school . that is for your own ego. all the doctors care about is are you qualified to be a nurse. i have many family members that are doctors . they all feel just get the degree they are all about the same. you mst work. i think that cuny is rigid online because the course are six months . other accredited courses online are more expensive but shorter time periods and you can accomplish more. you must understand the important concepts well. that is much better then knowing a million concepts and not understanding any of them. buy a good medical dicgionary . there is a dr. cizaldo online lectures free in anatomy, etc. he is great.

try listening to his lectures they are free and he makes them can also email him questions . i hope this helps you.

No. I remember when I was your age and everyone said I would never get into a school. I have a BS from Columbia and an MS from Columbia.

As you get older you get better study habits. Also try and find someone that is taking the same course as you and try and study or discuss the work that will help. I am trying to get into an accelerated program. Columbia discriminated against me . I am sending a letter to Lee Bollinger. I decided to look into the Pace Program. Also look at University of medical and dental in Jersy City. That looked like a flexible program. I like the rotations at Pace. I have 28 years experience as a dental hygienist. I have done research and private practice. My MS gpa is good. 3.89 my BA gpa is so so. 3.1. I am thinking of taking some online courses at Suny and repeating the microbiology .

It is very cheap. I will also take some short courses that are more expensive but will save time. Orgeon state gives a 5 pt chemistry with lab for 1000 dollars approx. Phoenix give 8 weeks anatomy with labs for about 450 per credit. I have a lot of experience with excellent references. I just got taken for a fool at Columbia which was not right. I will fight them tooth and nail. I want to eventually be a CRNA. Make sure you at least become an NP because in 2015 you must have a doctorate to become NP.

Write me any time I will be happy to respond.

Oh do you feel Colombia discriminated against you? Do you mind me asking what age you started college at? I am 23 now, and I hardly have a few classes under my belt, as I have had to support myself.

you may want to look at programs at brookdale also. i am not interested going to brooklyn unless it is for anesthesia program and they lost accredation for 2009. right now i will look at pace on monday. it is pretty easy to get a nursing ob in nyc once you graduate. no one really looks at the school . that is for your own ego. all the doctors care about is are you qualified to be a nurse. i have many family members that are doctors . they all feel just get the degree they are all about the same. you mst work. i think that cuny is rigid online because the course are six months . other accredited courses online are more expensive but shorter time periods and you can accomplish more. you must understand the important concepts well. that is much better then knowing a million concepts and not understanding any of them. buy a good medical dicgionary . there is a dr. cizaldo online lectures free in anatomy, etc. he is great.

try listening to his lectures they are free and he makes them can also email him questions . i hope this helps you.

wow thank you so much. referring back to the np part..i had no idea that a phd was going to be required i think i'm definitely going to aim for that then. soon enough, they will require a bsn to become a registered nurse.

You should not get the PhD unless you are planning on research and unless yo love research I do not reommend that route . What you want to get is the doctorate in clinical nursing. It takes two years.Not all schools give it. Stony brook has it , Columbia, and NYU is trying to get it. Probably they will all have it very soon. I am not sure what Pace has. What I really want out of Pace is the BSN so I can get the CRNA or NP . Snce I will probably need a years experiece minimal for CRNA programs I am thinking of become an acute Care NP because it will give me experience in the ICU.

Regarding CU. I just was rejected this week and my attorney is in the process of getting a letter sent to President Lee Bollinger in my behalf so I do not want to disclose my entire case on the net in ciber space. If you really want the details you can email me directly [email protected] and I will not mind telling you what happened but I do not know who is on this web site from Columbia so I must be careful what I information I put in cyber space.

Please listen to Dr. Cizaldo I was just listening to his pathophysiology lectures . He is really good and he gives you some useful tips and you remember his lectures because of the stores and background and the best part it is FREE and he is a very good person for not charging us.

Where did you get your undergraduate BS or BA degree? You must have that to do a one year program. news.png

I did not realize you did not have your undergraduate degree. You need an undergraduate degree to go into an advanced accelerated program. Go to a community school and get you Associate degree in nursing and then get the BSN. It will be the fastest way. Pace has an evening school. I do not recommend working and becoming a nurse at the same time. It will be too difficult because you need time to study and rest and do your rotations. Classes are in a sequence and there is no turning back.

Also you cannot afford not to do well or you will never get into a graduate program . Just take the loans . Once you finished you can elect to go to a disadvantaged area they they will pay for most of your schooling. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR A DISADVANTAGE AREA UNTIL AFTER YOU FINISH YOUR STUDIES. You do not know where you will be in your life in two years so do not commit to a disadvantaged area until after graduation ... ou get the same benfits and ou are thinking clearer. No lo has to be paid back until after you have worked for 6 moths and most loans are paid in seven years. Do not worry they will get paid off. I paid all of my old ones off. Althouh I must tell you I had a schalorship to Columbia so I only needed loans to live on . It is quite opposite now. I need the money to pay the fees . I can cover living expenses. have a huge mortgage but manaage. I will be able to do this until 2012. After that I will have some issues but I will try to resolve them and I will survive. I always do.


Hey I'm wondering if someone can give me a little advice.. I'm in my senior year at Tufts University (near boston) and i'm applying to accelerated BSN programs for fall 2010.. I only applied to Stony Brook so far, but I wanted to hear people's opinions of Stony Brook vs. Pace.

Stony Brook seems great because it's right AT the hospital... there's a pretty campus with a student center and everything.. you're with the same people the entire year and from what I hear, the students get very close. Also, I get the impression that the students are young (I'll just be out of college, so I'd like to be around people approx my age/ stage in life. I'm not sure that everyone is this age though, I'm just assuming). But... Long Island is out of the way and inconvenient-- 2 hrs-ish to get to NYC by public transportation.

Pace seems great because it's in a beautiful part of the city, right across from a park. I'd love to live in NYC for a year. But in these programs, that are super-accelerated, would I even have any TIME to explore and enjoy the city?? Also, I'm afraid that everyone will be much much older than me-- since it is a combined BSN/MSN program-- but can anyone confirm/deny this? I don't mind being with people who are older, but I don't want it to keep me from making a tight support system of students, like Stony Brook seems to have. Can anyone tell me what the feel of Pace nursing is? Are the students in a tight group? or does everyone basically have their own life and just take classes with each other... Would I feel out of place having just graduated college? or are there many other students that go to Pace right after there 1st bachelors degree? Pace is in SUCH a better location for me than Stony Brook (from Pace, I can ZOOM to new jersey, where i'm from, or ZOOM for $15 to bosotn, where I'd visit a lot.. where Stony Brook is out of the way from everything.)

Does anybody have insight to this? Thanks :)

Pace is AWFUL!!! I moved to NYC just for school, went part-time and did not work, so the accelerated nature of the program was not a rational for my dismissal from the program. 6 out of 26 people made it through the first semester of the program, and mind you the program is 2 years long, so it's a pretty good guess that maybe 1 person will actually graduate from that class.

My grades from my undergraduate degree weren't the best, but my pre-req GPA was pretty good. If you can get in anywhere else, go there!!! Anywhere but Pace!!!

I read posts from people complaining about the program prior to my admission and I wish I had taken them more seriously. I thought, "Oh, that's just one person, they were probably just dumb." But people failed out of this program who were extremely smart! One girl was even a doctor from another country and didn't pass.

I went to the Dean and the Dept. Chair a month into the program telling them that the program was a bomb and that more than 50% of the class was failing out and they both told me that I was exaggerating and that I was the only one who was failing out - clearly I was underestimating the problem.

Oh...another note on their unprofessionalism...a staff member accidentally emailed students an excel spreadsheet with the social security numbers and birthdates of over 100 students (all of the CDP students, part and full-time). It wasn't until a student brought this to the Dean's attention that they even said anything about the error to the rest of the students. The staff member intended to not tell anyone about her mistake, regardless of the fact that over 100 student's itentities are now in jeopardy. This lack of integrity seems to be a staple for Pace's Lienhard School of Nursing.

As for the fact that US News ranked the NP program #9 in the country, how they made it is anyone's guess. I know that was a huge selling point for me, but clearly it is a baseless ranking! I know many of my classmates ended up writing letters to the US News college reviews committee to have them revise Pace's high ranking.

Please don't waste your time or money on Pace!

To WheresCara...

Go to Stony Brook!!! Living in NYC is wonderful, but as a student, it's not worth it. In Stony Brook you'll be close enough to the city to come visit on the weekends and won't have to have the exaggerated cost of living.

Also, the BSN/MSN thing was appealing to me about Pace, but it's not as neat as it sounds. It's just like any other Accelerated BSN program. First you get your BSN then can practice nursing or start working on your MSN. Most of the Combined Degree students who pass the BSN portion don't actually get their MSN from Pace. You'd be doing exactly the same thing going to Stony Brook, getting your BSN, then applying to an MSN program after you graduate, and you'd spend a lot less money.

And I wouldn't be worried about the ages of people in the programs. They all seem to bring in a variety of people...some 22 and some 60. This actually seems to add to the experience because everyone has unique backgrounds.

I'm actually applying to Pace's program for this fall 2010. My grades and everything are average, so here's to crossing my fingers and hoping i get in. I graduated college in 2008, and am turning 24 late this month (i'd like to think i'm not that old). If the commute to pace is easier for you,then i'd say do that instead. As far as my understanding goes, the program is supposed to be very challenging and time-consuming so really enjoying the city for what it is would be difficult.

I'm actually a little thrown back right now, after reading the last post stating that pace is awful, and you shouldn't bother to apply. And meanwhile, other people praise it so much. I hope if i get in my experience will differ... :(

How's your application process going anyway? I'm applying to NYU, and CNR, wanted to apply to stony brook as well, but their program starts in summer (like may/june). I didn't have enough time to get everything together and plus, i work full-time, and need to set a plan and then tackle it instead of doing everything last minute; otherwise i'd be screwed.

From my understanding the program used to be pretty good and is newly based in NYC and all of the nursing programs have undergone restructuring and have become just awful.

In my cohort 77% of the students failed out in the first semester, and I was an average student coming into the program, but some of the people that failed out came from schools like Cornell and Purdue with a 3.8 GPA.

I know before I applied I read the negative posts as just people being bad students, but it was really just a bad program.

I know trusting my word would be stupid but I can't encourage you enough to talk to the faculty and staff and find out how many people fail out of the program from their own words, as well as if they offer tutoring (they set me up with a tutor who failed out of the program), if the teachers offer office hours (mine did not), etc. Also, find people on Facebook that are going to Pace Nursing and see what their experiences have been.

I'm begging you to please do your research! I thought the US News ranking spoke for itself and didn't look much into the program before starting, and now $40,000 later I am kicking myself for not learning more about the program!

Good luck to you all!

Hey waz up. I see that you are applying to nursing schools. I went through that and I still am I know how hard it is. Regarding Pace, I do not have anything good to say about it. I was also dissmissed from the program after my first semester. I know you must think that the people who failed will have nothing good to say regarding the program. I gaurantee you that even those who made it through the first semester hate it.

I am a good student. I graduated top in my class in high school and received the scholarship from the depatment of education. I took all my preq and got a BA in psych and my gpa was 3.79. I applied to pace last minute the day of the deadline and I was accepted in the one year program. I was really excited. I attended pace for fall semester. It was awful (this is not an overstatment). A total of 35 students were dissmissed after the first semester. In addition, a few students were sent to the other branch to the 4 yr program. Additionally, another few who got below 3.0 and below a 2.9 probation gpa were reaccepted since they lost too many students. The school lies the dean said only one student was reaccepted I know 100% there was 2 and there may be more. She also warned my friend before finals that if she gets below a 2.9 she will be dissmissed and won't be reaccepted. My friend could have passed the program if the dean did not tell her this. She could have studied only for the class she was failing and pass the course and the program with a gpa below 2.9. They went against their handbook and that is wrong.

Their professors are horrible. There was only one normal professor. The fundamentals course the average of the tests for the class was high 60's or low to mid 70's and 77 is a pass. About 50% or even more of the program were failing. Therefore, during the last week of finals they made the exam that everyone did horrible on be worth only 5% and some work we did for the course where everyone got a 100 on since they give you the answers was worth more. This way they did not lose about 60% of their program. However, they did this last minute therefore the entire semester everyone was panicking. Additionally, we had so many finals at the same time. We asked them to put some finals on a different day. The dean refused. Four days before the fundamental final (the class that everyone was failing) the dean pushed the final up an entire a week. They posted it on blackboard under that course. Many students did not see it since that final was a week later. I found out 2 days before. The whole weekend I studied for a diff final. I had two days to study for 3 tests very hard ones and one was from the beg of the semester. One student found out the change the night before. Additonally, regarding the patho class they had very little totuoring. When I asked the professor for help she said ask the toturs. They had not time. I sat for four days straight (honestly) I did not move I had food with me and i studied all morning day and night. I just passed that course.

If you do go to pace I suggest to do the two year program and do not work you need the time to study. Additonally, forget about checking out the city once you are in pace thats your life, your social life and parties end as soon as you start pace. Do all your readings. Even if you don't have a test do not hang out with your friends do your readings. I went through it I know what it is and I spoke to classmates who did the two year and one guy said he didn't speak to his friends or hang out with them for two years and he just passed the program. My friend who is still in pace and is extremely smart told me last night that she got a 62 on her first test and the passing is a 77.

Whatever you decide to do good luck you'll need it.

CDP program at pace is awful!! Go to stonybrook or anywhere else!!! professors don't care .... student try their 100% best and get kicked out if their grades are borderline.

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