PA LPN's now permitted to accept verbal orders.

Nurses LPN/LVN

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Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.


The State Board of Nursing has just issued final regulations to allow LPN's to accept both written and oral orders for medication and therapeutic treatments from a practitioner authorized by law and by facility policy to issue orders for medical and therapeutic measures that falls within the scope of functions for LPN's. The LPN must have recieved instruction and training in accepting an oral order in an approved nursing education program or has received instructions and training in accepting an oral order in accordance with the established policies of the facility. The policy and regulations governing a facility need to permit LPN's to accept an oral order. For more direct information

Edited for direct link to law. Karen

Being a LVN from Texas I have always been able to take verbal or written orders from a PA so I don't really understand why the other states did not have this.

Well it's about time. I have been very tired of getting orders taken by RN"s early in a shift then finally dropping them off before the end of the shift. I am also glad that I no longer have to play hunt a super when speaking with a Dr to take an order. It just makes sense..if yu are the one who calls about your pt , you should be the one taking the order on your pt.

Hey I have an addendum to my post. I am not knocking the RN''s just tough to get a hold of one when there is only 1 in the building., and they are assessing or helping out another nurse with a diff or condition changed pt. And the other part about RN's who don't distribute the orders when obtained...well I think that could be improved & the those that do it know who they are.

Wow, I must live in my own little part of the world! As in Texas, so in Oklahoma...I have always taken orders. I had no idea some parts of the country were so far behind! There isn't much as an LPN in Oklahoma I can't do... I hang chemo, assist with stem cell transplants, ACLS, about the only silly thing I can't do is sign off on my careplans!

In my state, ND, LPN's have always been able to take a verbal order! It would be awfully hard to work a Medical unit if we couldn't!

Hi everyone just reading the posts,wow in ND looks like you guys do a lot I wonder why it differs so much from place to place. I am from Canada and some provinces limit what LPN's can do big time! How long have you all been LPN'S and have you ever considered doing your RN's especially with the constant threat of getting rid of us. :)

I've "been around" for roughly 6yrs now. I always thought I would go on to complete my RN, but I have not gotten the motivation after nearly killing myself to get my LPN. I was chosen to be part of a pilot program in this state for the first evening LPN program that is "self paced". Meaning we had no "structured" class per say. We knew our objectives, labs, and what testing was required. We read and studied at our own time and tested when we were ready, not when the instructors said to have something in by. Clinicals had to be a little more structured, but we were all in different areas at different. For this reason the class size was never allowed to be more than 10 and you have a deadline of 18mos to complete the entire course with a set amount of "class" and "clinical" hours that you have to have clocked in for. This was how I was able to work full-time and obtain my LPN just scrapeing by. But here I am 6yrs later with my ACLS, Chemotherapy, IV, Stem Cell certifications. I love every minute of it, but working harder than MANY RN's for 12-15 dollars/hr does put a damper on things. I am sure that when my family is complete and I have time and energy to put forth I will be pursueing my RN. In the mean time I have no worries about my job security. The geriatric population only continues to grow and the national labor board supports this and the growing need for LPN's in this role. However, it is true that in the acute setting it is already getting harder and harder to find a position as an LPN unless you have an "in". Of course, I am also a hold out that desperation will lead them into allowing us to take a "overview" course of some kind and let us sit for the RN boards without all the hipe of class time that no longer applies to today's needs. Otherwise, if I can get my basics in there is now a "fast track" LPN to BSN in 12mos at a local university. I am checking into that.

So, tell me more about how things are for LPN life in Canada?

I have a question to this new posting is this in effect state wide now and also I was told that we are still not allowed to take or for things that are not in are scope of practice or is this just per facility policy I'm just a little confused about this because I have only been in nursing a short time and when I first started I worked at different place with a different set of rules that we were able to take all orders and sign then they stopped it where the rn had to take all the orders from the dr., just wondering if it will go back to the old way or not


Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

This is a statewide law since 12/19/03. One does have to be oriented by facility to be covered . READ the law at above link to be FULLY INFORMED AND IN COMPLIANCE.

As a nurse, YOU, not your instituion, is responsible for safe practice and knowing what the LPN scope of standards in PA are.

Protect thy license!

Do you guys think that California will accept the law on verbal orders/phone orders?? I see that some states do... Im a new grad just this 01-30-04..

The hospital I work at part time you have to take extra classes to be able to call the doctors or take telephone orders. You have to be a LPN III to do that. When you hire in your a LPN I, then you have to take a pharmacology test and if you pass that then your a LPN II and you can pass meds then you take additional classes to get your LPN III. (plus 0.75 cents more a hour) Protect those licences....hard to get....easy to lose....I WANT TO KEEP MINE!!!!:p

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