Overwhelmed and Nervous


we started a new semester yesterday and learned new skills the whole day. this is my 2nd semester of nursing, so we're learning foley catheter care, IV's, NG tube feedings, and some other skills. i was so overwhelmed that i went home and cried, just because im doubting myself. i just wonder if i will be able to handle this-drip rates, inserting a catheter, inserting an NG tube....all of it just seems SO overwhelming. its hard to go from a somewhat laid back first semester as a brand new nursing student, to a semester where skills are thrown at me the first day of class. i knew it was coming, but im still so overwhelmed and nervous. is it normal for me to feel this way? i feel like im overreacting too, because i did the hw ahead of time so i am familiar with what's going on. yet, i still feel uncomfortable. ughh, frustrating! please tell me other people have felt this whole weird mix of emotions during nursing school lol

Specializes in ICU.

I am only in my first semester so havent hit that scenario yet BUT you have to take it one thing at a time. If you look at the big picture it is overwhelming. You are in school to learn how to do it and you will do fine.

Hang in there!

I feel that way and I'm only in my first semester. I am trying to do what Babyheart is saying and so many of my friends are saying; taking it one step, one day, one thing at a time. If I look at it as a big picture, I'll flip out even more than I have already. And like I said, I'm only first semester first year. This is nothing... yet.

thanks, Babyheart. and AllThingsPink-the first semester is scary because you are a "fresh slate". you know pretty much nothing so every experience is new and overwhelming. not that the 2nd semester feels like its going to be horrible, because i love my instructors and my class, so it makes it so much more bearable. but after learning all these things in ONE day, i feel like oh no, what have i gotten myself into? i almost had a panic attack thinking ahead about everything, but then i read these 2 responses and i feel better already. taking it 1 step at a time is what i need to do. :) thanks! easier said than done-but i will try! i know i can do this and more importantly, i WANT to do this :)

thanks, Babyheart. and AllThingsPink-the first semester is scary because you are a "fresh slate". you know pretty much nothing so every experience is new and overwhelming. not that the 2nd semester feels like its going to be horrible, because i love my instructors and my class, so it makes it so much more bearable. but after learning all these things in ONE day, i feel like oh no, what have i gotten myself into? i almost had a panic attack thinking ahead about everything, but then i read these 2 responses and i feel better already. taking it 1 step at a time is what i need to do. :) thanks! easier said than done-but i will try! i know i can do this and more importantly, i WANT to do this :)

I find all advice anyone gives regarding nursing school is easier said than done. LOL It's so easy for people to say 'you just have to do it' or 'you give up everything for nursing school' or 'it'll be done before you know it'. It can be very frustrating!! Sometimes just a hug or someone to vent to is all you need...

Specializes in Cardiology, LTC, SANE.

I'm a junior in a BSN program now, and at times, I still feel overwhelmed! All of the skills end up coming together..yesterday was my first day back and we had to demonstrate the skills we learned last semester on the school's mannequins. These skills included IV push, IM, giving meds through an NG tube, and a foley catheter insertion. When I first learned these skills, it was awkward and it took me some practicing to figure out my technique and become comfortable with what I was doing. But yesterday, I was able to finish these skills quickly and efficiently-just because I have been practicing so much with the mannequins and my trusty practice syringe and vial. ;)

Also, remember that we are all in the process of learning. Ask questions-that's what the instructors are there for. Some days I still doubt myself, but it's good to vent to friends who are going through what you are going through. Good luck in your endeavors! :redpinkhe

Specializes in Onc/Med-Surg, ER, Nursing Supervisor.

It is completely normal to be nervous and overwhelmed. They throw a lot at you in such a short time. It will seem like as soon as you think you have something down, they will prove you wrong. Just hang tight. I know this is cliche', but by this time next year you will be wondering exactly why you were so anxious over an IV stick (or foleys or NGT....) Just BREATHE!!!!

Specializes in cardiac.

No worries! :D

It is completely normal to feel over whelmed and nervous. I'm in my last semester and I still feel the same way. I think the first day of each semester is the hardest because they spend the day telling us about all the assignments for the entire semester. It always gets me totally overwhelmed and makes me want to cry!

My first day of this semester we had to demonstrate all our skills. Don't worry if you are not perfect with the skills. Practice your skills on the mannequins and just make sure you know the steps. From my experience as long as you know the steps, instructors and nurses are glad to walk you through the procedure your first time.

Good luck, just keep studying and you will do great!:up:

Specializes in Med-Surg.

We did the same thing, first week of school we had to learn inserting foleys, ng tubes, trach suctioning, wound care, injections, and hanging piggybacks. That was intense! Our skills test for everything was today. I passed. woohoo! You just have to keep going over it again and again. Verbally at home and practice while you are there.

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