Over 1,600 clergy members and other religious figures endorse Biden


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I've never seen such numbers of clergy/pasters/ministers supporting a candidate publicly. Karen

NY Times 10/09/2020



...The endorsement, announced on Friday, was organized by Vote Common Good, a progressive organization that opposes President Trump and is focused on engaging Christian voters.

The individual endorsements represent a range of major religions in the United States but come largely from Catholic, evangelical and mainline Protestant Americans, organizers said. Majorities of white voters from those religious traditions supported Mr. Trump in 2016, according to the Pew Research Center, and while some have remained strongly supportive of him — white evangelicals in particular are among the president’s most loyal and important supporters — the Biden campaign is hoping to cut into the margins of Mr. Trump’s 2016 base

Doug Pagitt, a pastor and the executive director of Vote Common Good, summed up the attitude among some endorsers as: “‘I don’t know that I’ll ever do this again, I haven’t done it in the past, but I need to be clear about this moment that we’re sitting in.’”....



Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

I'm not surprised. There has never been such a clear distinction between Presidential candidates in my lifetime. As much as I disagree with Biden on most of the issues---abortion being the deal-breaker for me---I believe he is a decent, God-fearing man who loves his family and tries to live out his faith. Trump, on the other hand, is "pro-life" because it's politically expedient for him to be, given the fact that millions of white Evangelicals support him. Otherwise, he lives a life that doesn't even remotely resemble the way Jesus lived; there is no compassion in him, nor empathy, nor humility. Out of a country of 330 million people, how is it possible that these two candidates are the best we can do??

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
1 hour ago, VivaLasViejas said:

 Out of a country of 330 million people, how is it possible that these two candidates are the best we can do??

Biden is the epitome of the Democrats and a logical choice given his short comings.  Some of the candidates were too much to the left for some Democrats or just to unknown.  He wasn't my choice though.

But for the life of me, I can't understand why Republicans haven't risen up long ago against Trump and picked someone else.   Someone of honesty, maturity and common sense would have stomped all over Biden,  But people love him, to their own detriment.  Literally they put their lives at risk at his rallies.  

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

IMHO, it will take the US 10 years to resolve the angst and political division once Trump leaves office as he will continue with divisive speech on the internet and airways via a Trump owned channel..

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