Published Aug 22, 2007
112 Posts
Hi All,
Thanks for all of your supportive words but here is some great news.
Yesterday the NS called about my registration apptmt. I wasn't home so they left a message, they gave me an apptmt for next week to register as a "General Studies with Concentration in Nursing" student !! Which makes me mad that they did that, I wasn't planning on attending this semester b/c DH is taking the second half of a course he started and we agreed that he would finish this course and take the exam he needs to get a job before I went back to school. Both of us in school is not what we wanted and for him to take any additional courses for further certification, he has to get the Jr. cert and have it for a year so this was a good time for him and I wanted him to be able to complete the course. Besides I applied to NS and they turned me down b/c I didn't have a Bio grade that they could use towards my acceptance. I got a letter last week saying come and register for classes (I am accepted to the college but not the program) and called them to say I wasn't coming until January and the person on the phone said I didn't need to do anything, that if I didn't register they would just drop my application and I would have to apply again which was fine to me, so I listened to her (which now I think may have been a stupid thing to do )
So yesterday they called about my registration apptmt, I wasn't there they left a message. DH got the message first which is no biggie. When I got home I noticed there were messages and he said that school called. I played the message and he asked what it was about. That is when I reminded him that I told him I had applied to NS and was turned down b/c of the bio, yada yada yada. Then I started to tell him about my fears with NS and paying for it and everything. He stated that he understood that taking trade school classes was completely different than classes for college credit and stated that he was concerned about how much time I would get to study and do homework. He then mentioned the person he used to work with that worked while in school and said we should try to contact him (this guy is a male nurse now) and ask him how he did it. He then tried to find the person in the phone book, tried 2 people who we thought might be him and they were both wrong numbers . So we talked a little longer and he said that if I wanted to go to NS that it was fine with him but he is only asking for me to wait until at least our older son is in school (which I was planning anyway, hense Fall 2008 start). And then he said he just wished we could talk to someone who has done it so we could figure out what to expect, not just the admissions person who I have been talking to!! He also said that he would like to see me finish the Liberal Arts degree that I started if I could (I am about 1 full time semester away from completing it). I told him that 3 of the classes I needed for nursing would also apply to that degree. But after talking with him last night, it sounds to me like we both have the same concerns/fears about me going into school. We are both concerned about how much time I will have to study, we are both concerned about failure (but for different reasons, his being the drop out rate that the person he used to work with told him about, mine being booted for unsafe practice or bad grades) and we are both concerned about our current finances and making sure we have enough to cover the bills and pay for my schooling. So it looks like I had him wrong, it looks like we were somewhat on the same page but not communicating as well as we needed to. I think that maybe the phone call from the school yesterday forced us to talk a little. I told him that I had no intentions of starting any nursing classes before our older son was in school and he said that he just wished I would have done it SOONER!! So that we wouldn't have the added pressure of little kids b/c he knows I will need alot of time to study. I agreed and told him that it would add alot of pressure to him b/c he would have to care for the kids and keep them quiet so I could study but he said that it was o.k. w/him, that could be worked out.
So I guess I was wrong about him. I guess he wasn't trying to avoid the conversation like he made it seem sometimes. Before he said anything he said that he didn't want to discourage me but.....then started stating his concerns which turned out to be very similar to mine. It is a great feeling that we finally connected about NS and now I can continue to plan for it like I was and hope that the plan falls into place, if it doesn't then it will be plan "B" (which I haven't figured out yet ).
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Well, I like you DH. :)
I would, frankly, listen to him and finish up the BA p/t. THEN try to get into an Accelerated BSN program.
But really, he is right to be concerned that you won't have time with pre-schoolers at home. You need dedicated help from a lot of family - grammy, aunts - if that's going to work.
A dream deferred doesn't always dry up like a raisin in the sun.
675 Posts
I always new I was a psychic.... hehe.. only kidding (read my post from last night)...
I knew it would work out if you two could just really talk about it. My recommendation is to take the pre-req classes you need for the program and whatever you need for your Liberal Arts degree slowly ahead of time and time it right so you can start the nursing program when you want to.
I've been taking one course at a time for 5 semesters (I have 3 kids and a DH that travels)... I'm 3/5 of the way there!
It's worked out nicely and once I start NS my children will all be in school during the day.
Good luck to you! Keep us posted!
1,194 Posts
That is great!! Glad to see you are both on the same page! I hope things will fall into place...I am in the same boat - I have a daughter who will be 2 in September. I don't think DH realizes just how much he will be with her...but he doesn't have a choice if he wants me to finish. He is all for me getting my degree, so I think it'll be fine, but I think we are going to have a very stressful 2 years when I start the program. I'm sure it will all fall into place!!
172 Posts
Aww I just love updates!
401 Posts
I always new I was a psychic.... hehe.. only kidding (read my post from last night)...I knew it would work out if you two could just really talk about it. My recommendation is to take the pre-req classes you need for the program and whatever you need for your Liberal Arts degree slowly ahead of time and time it right so you can start the nursing program when you want to. I've been taking one course at a time for 5 semesters (I have 3 kids and a DH that travels)... I'm 3/5 of the way there! It's worked out nicely and once I start NS my children will all be in school during the day.Good luck to you! Keep us posted!
I am going to do the same thing starting this fall. I am going to take one class at a time because I have two little ones and my Husband works 40 to 60 hours a week. Plus we only have one car and this is really embarassing to admit but i do not drive:uhoh21: I know I need to get my driver's license which would help so that is one thing I am going to do this year!!!
Hi All,Thanks for all of your supportive words but here is some great news.Yesterday the NS called about my registration apptmt. I wasn't home so they left a message, they gave me an apptmt for next week to register as a "General Studies with Concentration in Nursing" student !! Which makes me mad that they did that, I wasn't planning on attending this semester b/c DH is taking the second half of a course he started and we agreed that he would finish this course and take the exam he needs to get a job before I went back to school. Both of us in school is not what we wanted and for him to take any additional courses for further certification, he has to get the Jr. cert and have it for a year so this was a good time for him and I wanted him to be able to complete the course. Besides I applied to NS and they turned me down b/c I didn't have a Bio grade that they could use towards my acceptance. I got a letter last week saying come and register for classes (I am accepted to the college but not the program) and called them to say I wasn't coming until January and the person on the phone said I didn't need to do anything, that if I didn't register they would just drop my application and I would have to apply again which was fine to me, so I listened to her (which now I think may have been a stupid thing to do )So yesterday they called about my registration apptmt, I wasn't there they left a message. DH got the message first which is no biggie. When I got home I noticed there were messages and he said that school called. I played the message and he asked what it was about. That is when I reminded him that I told him I had applied to NS and was turned down b/c of the bio, yada yada yada. Then I started to tell him about my fears with NS and paying for it and everything. He stated that he understood that taking trade school classes was completely different than classes for college credit and stated that he was concerned about how much time I would get to study and do homework. He then mentioned the person he used to work with that worked while in school and said we should try to contact him (this guy is a male nurse now) and ask him how he did it. He then tried to find the person in the phone book, tried 2 people who we thought might be him and they were both wrong numbers . So we talked a little longer and he said that if I wanted to go to NS that it was fine with him but he is only asking for me to wait until at least our older son is in school (which I was planning anyway, hense Fall 2008 start). And then he said he just wished we could talk to someone who has done it so we could figure out what to expect, not just the admissions person who I have been talking to!! He also said that he would like to see me finish the Liberal Arts degree that I started if I could (I am about 1 full time semester away from completing it). I told him that 3 of the classes I needed for nursing would also apply to that degree. But after talking with him last night, it sounds to me like we both have the same concerns/fears about me going into school. We are both concerned about how much time I will have to study, we are both concerned about failure (but for different reasons, his being the drop out rate that the person he used to work with told him about, mine being booted for unsafe practice or bad grades) and we are both concerned about our current finances and making sure we have enough to cover the bills and pay for my schooling. So it looks like I had him wrong, it looks like we were somewhat on the same page but not communicating as well as we needed to. I think that maybe the phone call from the school yesterday forced us to talk a little. I told him that I had no intentions of starting any nursing classes before our older son was in school and he said that he just wished I would have done it SOONER!! So that we wouldn't have the added pressure of little kids b/c he knows I will need alot of time to study. I agreed and told him that it would add alot of pressure to him b/c he would have to care for the kids and keep them quiet so I could study but he said that it was o.k. w/him, that could be worked out. So I guess I was wrong about him. I guess he wasn't trying to avoid the conversation like he made it seem sometimes. Before he said anything he said that he didn't want to discourage me but.....then started stating his concerns which turned out to be very similar to mine. It is a great feeling that we finally connected about NS and now I can continue to plan for it like I was and hope that the plan falls into place, if it doesn't then it will be plan "B" (which I haven't figured out yet ).
I am so happy that it worked out for you!!!