Our Lady of Lourdes Nursing Program (Camden)


I sent my application into OLOL (Camden) and I was wondering if anyone has attended this program in the past few years? I havent really found anything on the internet about this school and I was wondering if it is a good program or not. I have read that it was good 30 years ago... but how about now? I wanted to start Jan. 2012 but they already picked for that start date so I have my application in for August 2012. As of now that is my 1st choice in schools unless I hear that it's not a great program. I am very nervous about Nursing School to start with so it is important for me to hear about the program.

Immaculata is not online. I already ased ------------------. But like I said, I really don't know what I am doing for my bachelors degree yet. I want to focus on getting into Nursing School and then I can start stressing about that. HAHA. You did really well on the TEAS. I only got a 62... but I didn't study, I did just wing it. Did you apply for the Spring 2012 class? If not which one?

I just made the Fall 2012 deadline to apply, but I'm not even sure when all the classes need to be completed. Yah I just want to worry about getting in right now! lol. I rather do something online, just easier and a little more flexible, but we will see from now. If I don't do good in Chem I'm going to have to retake it in the fall... blah, but I really had one of the worst teachers... nice guy, but has been teaching forever and just thinks everyone should catch on super quick to chem! haha. needless to say there were like 12 people left in our class by the end of the semester! :)

I had the same prob with my chem teacher. I am hoping for a B. I realy struggled in his class. He was the most horrible teacher I have ever had. It mad me so angry b/c I really wanted to do well. I will find out my grade soon. My semester is over... Im just waiting to find out how I did on the last test.

I'm dreading Chemistry :-( I took Prep for Chem this semester, and think I got a really low A or a solid B - but the final (which was the only class out of 7 to have a cumulative final) was a killer. Unfortunately, the professor was awful, and we didn't learn very much. Real Chemistry terrifies me! UGH!

I did pretty good on the TEAS - an 89 - but you just don't know who you are stacked against when you apply. OLOL is my preferred choice - and I'd be really happy if they offered a BSN - I don't care what school it's through! But I hope I do okay this summer in A&P. Any hints or tips?

The only advise that I have for A&P is to study, study, study. My life was all a&p since September. I had a great teacher for that class, but her tests were killer. They were all multiple choice, fill in the blank, and 2 essays. The essays were worth 20 points. So if you dont know it you already have an 80. Her grade was based 100% off of 4 tests. I ended up with a B+, but that was extremely hard to do. I know a few people in my class that failed her class... and I mean a D and some had F's.

I would say stock up on flash cards and study everyday. I think you are gutsy taking both over the summer. I am assuming that you are taking 7 week course for each. OUCH!!! A&P II is supposed to be killer. I am not looking forward to taking that over a 10 week course (over the summer). I actually had a lot of people tell me not to take it over the summer b/c it was to hard, but I am doing it anyway.

Let me know how its going over the summer. GOOD LUCK. And good luck with the chem.

5 week courses for each - it will be killer. The classes are from 9 in the morning to 1:10 in the afternoon, four days a week. I've already started reading, bought a coloring book, and will stock up on flash cards!

I had quite a few people tell me not to take it over the summer, too, but I just have to get it done. And if you look on the flip side, you really can't do anything BUT focus on your school work when the class goes so quickly like that. But in the event that I totally bomb it, I still have the fall and spring to do it.

WOW, 5 week courses. I would never be able to do that. There was just so much information. The anatomy part I didnt find hard... it was the physiology part that was tricky. Hopefully you got some good teachers, b/c you are in for a rough summer. Good luck to you. I would say that if you feel that you arent going to be able to do it, I would drop the class before you get the bad grade. This way you can get a withdrawl and not a bad grade that will bring your GPA down.

Yeah, I meant to check that - how far in I can be and still drop. Thanks for the reminder - I'll have to look that up!

I took accelerated A&P I and II... they were each 7 week courses. If your teacher was anything like mine you should do okay. We had class two times a week with just labs, and the lectures were "camtasias"... basically powerpoints with her lecturing. I actually preferred it because if I didn't understand something I could go back and watch it as many times as I wanted. I did really well in A&P I with a B+ and I think I either got a B+ or an A- in A&P II. I thought A&P II wasn't too too bad.. I thought it got a little hard in the end. If the first chapter you do is the endocrine system make sure you get the hormones and what not down pat.. I think that sets the tone for the rest of the course. I really enjoyed both courses.

But like I said chem was a killer. My school doesn't offer it hybrid like my A&P class. I think I would have preferred that just for the luxury of re-watching lecture videos, especially since the material is so difficult. After talking to the guy from OLOL he said that they really want to see you do good in the AP courses compared to chem. I think they understand Chemistry is an extremely difficult subject.

I'm taking micro in the summer... 5 weeks. I hope it's not too difficult either!

You'll have to let me know how micro is - I have it in the fall, and debating whether to take it at Rutgers or Camden County. That's another class that scares me!! :eek:

I heard micro isn't too bad???? we'll see.. I start next monday! I heard the teacher is really cool. I go to GCC though, I'm not sure how it is at CCC.. I would think it would be harder at Rutgers.

I just got my final grades... A- in A&P II and a C in chem!!! wooo yes! A C is obviously not fantastic but I am just happy I passed chem... that class was a killer! hoping that is enough to get in! :)

I just got my grades too (well some of them). I got a B in chem lab and chem lecture. I got a B+ in A&PI lecture, and a B in A&PI lab. I am still waiting for more grades. Im so glad I got a B in chem. WHOO-Hoo

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