ospital ng sampaloc

World Philippines


I would like to ask about the screening process in the ospital ng sampaloc for the employment in sta. ana medical center.

Has anyone here undergone the screening process? How was the interview and written exam like?

How many interview and exam will you undergo?

Thank you for the replies...

Nothing beats the power of prayer :p

to jasper

are you a volunteer in ospital ng sampaloc for sta. ana?

to nurse_pukyaw if you're in batch 1, you already signed your pds forms right? my batchmates told me that there were 11 applicants who were accepted in your batch.. is this true?

how many of your batchmates got hired?

to opsen: Yes I'm a Sta Ana Volunteer Batch 4...you?

to jasper2009: I'm in batch 4 also.

guys.. are there applicants who were accepted/hired without any backer?

is there any chance for us applicants without backer to be hired as a staff nurse?

to the people who has been hired in sta. ana without any backer please share your thoughts.. thank you. replies would be very much appreciated...

Those 11 persons are not really registered with city hall, their salary came from ospital ng sampaloc only. That means to say that they have backers in ospital ng sampaloc. :uhoh3:

those 11 persons are not really registered with city hall, their salary came from ospital ng sampaloc only. that means to say that they have backers in ospital ng sampaloc. :uhoh3:

to sweet jelly: what batch are you? one of my batchmates told me that those 11 persons were really qualified that is why they were the first to be hired. :confused::confused:... if they are not registered in the city hall that means that they do not posses yet an item. is that right??

too bad for us applicants who do not have backers...:no:

just wanna ask if i can still apply for ospital ng samapaloc? i know somebody from there, i just had second thoughts coz its a secondary hospital, but now that i have nothing else, i'd like to try if ever i could still?

next batch of volunteers will be deployed on may...go pass your application at the second floor nursing service office.

Opsen, what area are you in now? Im currently in ORDR

to jasper opd..

guys.. are there applicants who were accepted/hired without any backer?

is there any chance for us applicants without backer to be hired as a staff nurse?

to the people who has been hired in sta. ana without any backer please share your thoughts.. thank you. replies would be very much appreciated...

i don't have a batch, and i am very thankful for that. my friend told me that the 11 persons have backers indeed. they are not honors neither are they very skillful with their work. the only difference is they have backers. that's it. and one thing more, they are "sipsip". some say that they give gifts to nso, that's the reason why. some of them even don't attend the christmas or new years duty and the director even mention that they will slash down those people who did not attend the holiday duty because it would be unfair for those who attended. what happened was they chose them over the people who are very diligent going to work. :rolleyes:

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