Published Aug 22, 2005
7 Posts
I am a orthopedic nurse with 1 1/2 yrs nursing experience. I am unhappy with bedside nursing and interested in getting into case management. A university nearby is offering a intro to Case Mgmt class that meets for 4 mondays. They also offer in fall/sping a class to prepare you for the CCM exam. Would it be possible to go towards case management with 1 1/2 yrs nursing experience? I am just looking for a change of scenery and very interested in the paperwork aspect of nursing! Any comments/suggestions would be very much appreciated.Thanks! :)
100 Posts
I've learned though the years that almost anything is possible when it comes to finding the right nursing job.....never be afraid to try....
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
It would depend on what the employers want in your particular area of the country. I am a case manager in a hospital and we require at least 5 years of experience. However, I know other places that don't require this much time. Good luck.
CseMgr1, ASN, RN
1,287 Posts
You don't need this class. I ordered The Case Manager's Handbook by Catherine Mullahy, read it from cover-to-cover twice and passed the certification exam on the first try. The certification process is an expensive one in itself, so save yourself some extra money and prepare for it on your own. Go to for details on how to qualify for and take the exam. Good luck!
325 Posts
With your Ortho background, you might be well suited to working as a Workers compensation case manager. Liberty Mutual, as one example, uses them extensively.
2 Posts
There are Companies that may wish to hire you as an occupational nurse case manager or as a workers comp case manager & train you. As far as getting your CCM, you will need to have either 2 yrs of case management experience OR 1 yr of case management experience under the direct supervision of another case manager that has a CCM before you qualify to take the CCM exam. So, where-ever you go, try to go somewhere where your supervisor is CCM certified.
23 Posts
the co i work for (HUGE insurance co) uses rn's as consultants on disability cases, we make way more money than the case managers do. it's a great job, great environment, money and benefits are excellent.
Endo Diva
9 Posts
jillie bean, I'm interested in learning more about your job. I live on the east coast and there is an opening at a large insurance company for a "nurse coordinator". Just curious how you got your job as a nurse consultant? Thanks!
After many years in LTC management, I am now managing the ancillaries owned by a Large regional medical center. 2 of those ancillries are Hospice and home health. Case management at the hospital has indicated that I may not attend discharge planning meetings due to HIPPA concerns, although other departments do attend. I understand patients choice of vendor when they go home, but Statistically we are seeing more patients from competing hospitals than from our own. Pls educate me as to whether the case management folks are being highly conservative or is there another way to appropriately keep the hospital owned services high on the radar. many thanks