Published Sep 26, 2018
3 Posts
How did you study for this class? My professor just throws notes on a projector and is very old fashioned. The quizzes are nothing like we learned and the book is confusing I just want to cry.... please, help me
NICUmiiki, DNP, NP
1,775 Posts
Orangic chemistry for dummies helped me a lot back when I took it (not for nursing).
Etak, BSN, RN
135 Posts
Tyler DeWitt on YouTube. No joke, he makes it so easy and he likely has a video for every topic you'll be covering.
20 Posts
Organic Chemistry As a Second Language David R. Klein and Leah4Sci on YouTube. If you go to Leah4Sci's website and join her e-mailing list you get access to a lot of awesome study guides that make things a lot less complicated. I wish I had known about them earlier in the semester but I was able to salvage my grade from a C to a B! Good luck! OChem can be frustrating but it's actually fun to learn.
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
Khan Academy got me through Organic Chem. Just fantastic lectures that make the material more understandable. I hated the lecture portion of the course, but I absolutely *loved* the lab portion. We made aspirin, extracted orange oil from orange peels, made our own soap, and scented the soap with the orange oil. Lots of fun labs in that class. Lecture is the brain-buster, for sure!
6 Posts
is this course needed for your BSN or ADN?
Jeff G
75 Posts
Youtube videos are a great resource and I encourage my students to watch them. For on-ground students, I encourage them to come to my office hours. If your school has TAs, then please utilize them. The same goes for the tutoring center.
That is the general advice I give students taking science classes.