Published Dec 1, 2011
2 Posts
I am currently a ST student and about done with my 1st semester of clinicals. So far I love being a tech but the personalities are absolutely horrible. Is it just me or do people who work in the OR have sticks up their butts??? I really can't believe how rude some staff are to students. All the girls in my small class of 8 have had to deal with rude nurses and techs...... Do they forget they were once students also? I really would like to be a tech when I graduate but I refuse to become grump in order to survive in the OR. I have talked to my teacher about it and nothing has changed.
canesdukegirl, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,543 Posts
Of all the nursing disciplines I have worked in, the OR was by far the most difficult to adjust to. Yes, there are attitudes GALORE in the OR. I am not quite sure why this seems to be the norm, but I can tell you that it gets better.
The OR is a very tightly knit group of people, and it takes a while for surgeons and staff to trust you. The best way to overcome this is to listen to your preceptor and ask questions when appropriate. Offer to assist instead of watching someone struggle (for example, the nurse and the anesthesia care provider are struggling with trying to position a heavy pt, or after the case is done, the nurse is busy calling report or charting. Offer to get some warm blankets for the pt.)
The staff members that do the worst are the ones that are very chatty during surgery or who are not focused on the procedure. The staff and surgeons like to know that you are interested in the procedure and want to learn about it. Most surgeons LOVE to teach, so if you ask a question (not during a difficult part of the surgery), they will likely give you an in-depth answer--and they will remember you.
It takes time and patience to be accepted into the fold of the OR group. It isn't necessarily right, but it is realistic.
jeckrn, BSN, RN
1,868 Posts
I dont know if the staff is just being rude or if they are just being forceful maintaining the sterile field. Also, nurses in the OR are under a time line to turnover the rooms and during this short period need to get things done and in a hurry.
I have been a RN for 13 years and in the OR for 2 years, went to school in another and shadowed in several others. I did not see anymore "rude" nurses there they in other areas. For the most part all the nurse's I have worked with most what to teach.
Personally I have seen more "rude" nurses in the ICU & ER (where most of my career has been) then the OR.
Since you are a student and most of your class has had issues with the OR staff there might be some underlining issues between your instructor & the staff. Also, it could be something that your instructor is projecting on the students and when you are in the OR the staff picks up and does not like it. I am not saying this is the reason but it just might. It also could just be a bad OR to work in and nothing you or your classmates can do about it while you are in a student status. And Yes there are just some nurses & tech which are just plan rude and you will find them in all settings.
LovedRN, BSN, RN
168 Posts
I think it's because they don't know you yet. That happened to me in a preceptorship. When they know you, everything is cool.
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
I am willing to bet your butt that it's this!!!
320 Posts
#1 rule in the OR; don't take things personally.
One of my jobs as the OR nurse is to protect the patient, staff, time and equipment. So if I see anyone that even looks like they may compromise any of those things, I will bluntly tell them to stop dead in their tracks. It's not because I don't like you, it's because I'm trying to prevent trouble from happening. You may not have had any intention of doing anything wrong, but if I don't know you, I don't trust you, so yes- you get special treatment until I know that you are safe. That's all.
#1 rule in the OR; don't take things personally. One of my jobs as the OR nurse is to protect the patient, staff, time and equipment. So if I see anyone that even looks like they may compromise any of those things, I will bluntly tell them to stop dead in their tracks. It's not because I don't like you, it's because I'm trying to prevent trouble from happening. You may not have had any intention of doing anything wrong, but if I don't know you, I don't trust you, so yes- you get special treatment until I know that you are safe. That's all.
Very true, but depending on how it is handled by both parties dictates how it appears.