Published Aug 4, 2004
Heather R.N.
24 Posts
I just bought a pair of Dansko Shoes in the hopes of relieving some lower back discomfort that I am having at work. I have always worn walking/running shoes without any problems. I should also mention that I am in my first trimester of pregnancy. Does anyone have any opinions on this brand, they were really expensive and I would like some feedback before I cannot return them. Thanks !!
60 Posts
Everyone has different feet and after reading about the raves for this shoe, I finally bought some and they were so painful! They felt very uncomfortable to walk in and I did not feel natural when I was walking. My feet were throbbing after I took them off at home, and since I've worn them three times (thinking they just needed to be broken in), I can't return them anymore and they are almost brand new. Wear them around all day at home and see how you like them.
Brenda-RN,BSN, WA.
41 Posts
I have to agree with jetta. I bought a pair a few months ago, wore them around the house, and my feet hurt so bad, it was very painful. I then exchanged them for a different size, hoping that would help, no, it was just as bad. Luckily I could return them because they are expensive. I have to tell you, though, almost every nurse I work with wears them, and loves them, so I think it's just me, my feet. I've heard wonderful things about them, so if I were you, I'd wear them around the house with the socks you're going to wear with them, and hopefully they will be comfortable. I would love to find some really comfortable shoes. I think it's just the way my feet are. Good luck!
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
I bought a pair of Dansko's last year. My first few clinicals I wore just white sneakers--when I got my Danskos it was some difference. i love them. They felt a bit odd at first with all that support and thick soles but I got used to them very quickly. But as others have said, everyone has different feet and such and what feels good to them might not for another. I can only tell you that I love mine and have never experienced any soreness or anything from wearing them--just the feet don't bother me at all.
278 Posts
I bought a pair of Dansko's after my Anywear's were showing some serious mileage. Well, after three 12 hours shifts they're collecting dust in the corner. 35 smackers for Anywear's versus 100+ for Dansko's. They felt like I had wood blocks strapped to my feet. I'm obviously back to my Anywear's and having no troubles.
Donn C.
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
The Danskos felt like blocks of wood strapped to my feet, and were about as comfortable. Plus that heel being that steep was disturbing, i saw a sprained ankle happening soon.
1,907 Posts
Plus that heel being that steep was disturbing, i saw a sprained ankle happening soon.
They make some with a different heel now ("anti skid tread design"). They also have closed back shoes now too (I am not allowed open backed clog styles).
Here are the ones I got:
Haven't used them in clinicals yet but they feel good around the house, I think I'll like them and I'm the worst about hurting shoes/hurting feet/hurting back.
If you get them from they are great about free returns!! I ordered 2 and sent back the pair that didn't work and I was very happy with them. You can try them out on the carpet in your house and see what you think.
587 Posts
I've worn my Dansko Professional white closed-back clog for 3 years now. I can't imagine working in anything else.
They do feel different and once I got used to them they were so comfortable to work in. I have knee problems, and I'm overweight, so the promise of relief of back pain was a big seller for me. I don't have any back pain unless I do something really unusually difficult, (or stupid) like pull a patient up by myself.
The style I have can twist your ankles, though. If you're going to spend the money I'd get the 'revamped' style that has a wider sole to prevent those darned twisted ankles. :uhoh21:
joules300, BSN
29 Posts
I've worn Dansko Professional closed back clogs for almost ten years!! I periodically try different shoes/sneakers and ultimately go back to Dansko. It seems to me that people who are used to a sneaker have trouble adjusting to a Dansko. They are expensive but sure last a lot longer than a pair of sneakers!! I wear Danskos to work and have several pairs for play and dress up too!! I love Dansko!!
204 Posts
I love my Danskos! I must have the "right feet" for them because they are incredibly comfortable. I've been wearing my white pair to work for over 3 years and would NEVER wear anything else. In fact I bought 2 more pairs in different colors to wear outside of work :)
303 Posts
I love my Danskos! They are incredibly comfortable. The only problem is, after 2 days in a row they get kindof heavy feeling, so I only wear them every other day. But I really like them, they're great.