opinion on legalization of marijuana in Canada

Nurses General Nursing


I am doing this project at Addiction Medicine Clinice in Toronto, and am having a hard time finding the support for my views.

The project is to present group of nurses and doctors (who already know pretty much everything in this issue matter) that marijuana should be fully legalized and decriminalized (not only for medical use), and I should be able to defend this view point from a nursing perspective.

This I find hard as personaly I am fine with its beign only medicaly approved. However I see many benefits of it being legla in economical gains for the country, and saving people of unnecessary psychosocial abuse by jailing them for marijuana use or possesion.

I need help, or IDEAS, that will help me support the PRO views from nursing perspective, basically answer the question why is this of a nursing concern, and why should a nurse help fight for this cause other then it being useful medical treatment?


Thank you all in advance.:confused:

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Howdy yall

From deep in the heart of Texas

Ive been listening ti this debate since the mid sixties, Anything anybody has to say hasnt changed much. The rhetoric is pretty much the same as back then. One nurse referred to it as ganga, So did we back in the 60s and early 70s.

Yes it has medicinal good effects for certain conditions. Yes its detrimental, physically, mentally, psychologically, sociologically, and spiritually. But you cant say its all good or all bad, thus debate of decades continues, with no answer in sight.

Now whats buggin me is what in the name of Hades is meant by a "Sushi Whore". That one escapes me. Isnt that a raw fish used for fish bait. cause if it aint cooked or fried its fish bait.

keep it in the short grass


I think marijuana should be legalized, for several reasons

1.Think of the Prison overcrowding for just users

2.Think of the income the government could have from taxing it

3. Jobs for sales and manufacture

4. The medical aspect for anorexic patients for whatever reason they are anorexic

5.The antianxiety side effect could also be beneficial, but I think the paranoia side effect would cancel that out

For whatever reason, I was a user in my teens, I have been told it is quite a bit more potent these days. If someone would want to smoke a joint, who am I to judge these people, it is not my place to judge, just educate them on respiratory situations that could occur from long term use.

Judgement belongs to GOD.

I gotta tell you, I think our current government is an idiot for not legalizing Marijuana but having alcholand cigarettes publically acceptable.

Marijuana would benifit our economy as well as cut down the amount of people going to jail for selling, consuming and trafficing it.

I agree with the point made early about why its ok to consume alchol, ( a more harmful and addicitve substance) where as Marijuana is looked down upon by our governemnt.

Boo governemnt, you suck.


I am a hospice nurse. That being said, you guys could've probably guessed that I'm all for the legalization. Not just medicinal and this is why:

I feel that pain is grossly undertreated. I know it is extremely difficult to determine someone elses pain. It is completely subjective. I have seen too many patients suffering for far too long because of the doctor's fear of prescribing appropriate doses or types of narcotics. Docs fear that they will be audited for suspicion of overprescribing narcs. I've taken care of several patients who smoke regularly because it controls their symptoms without completely sedating them. Legal marijuana will (probably) have restrictions moreso than scheduled narcs. Marinol, the pill form currently available, works for some patients for mild anorexia or nausea (cancer patients specifically), but not for all. It is not as pure and difficult to dose because of the way its manufactured. I've seen marinol work really well for ALS patients because it decreases oral and upper respiratory secretions. But it works no better than some of the other usual meds that we give.

As a professional who deals with terminal patients everyday, I am not as concerned about the long term effects of inhalation. However, were it legal, I feel that patients could enjoy a better quality of life, especially the ones who have no access or would not even consider trying something illegal.

As for personal use, I really do not care. I feel like people, in general are responsible for the choices that they make. Whether it be to drink into oblivion or to smoke and eat all night. The economical benefits appeal to me because taxing means that only those who choose to use it would pay the tax for it. If it were legal, I'd be curious to see if alcohol use would decrease significantly.

Just my .04 cents (.02 cents didn't quite seem like enough)

I have only skimmed this thread, so please forgive me if this has already been mentioned. But, in regards to the tax benefits... (with legalization) if the tax was high, and the potency was controlled, don't you all still think there would be an underground market for super-potent and tax free pot?

But that's there anyways, so what's the diff?

Habits formed, alcohol or pot, all self medicating,why not chose something healthy to do?

If everyone chose health as a habit, wouldn't we be jobless?

Not me! People will still be having babies, unless we start defining sex as unhealthy;)

For those looking for sound arguments on the legalization of marijuana, here are some very good sources of information.

View on youtube Judge James Gray, Milton Friedman and Dr. Ron Paul on their views regarding this topic. They all present a case that open your eyes a bit to reality. Particularly in the case of children, their access to illegal substances and how prohibition of drugs offers little or no protection for minors because drug dealers don't ask id to purchase these drugs. Marijuana and other drugs are going to be used legally or illegally and the world is better off having these drugs regulated by the citizens of the country and not by the dreadful people who are getting rich selling them like at present. Given a choice, if you were to buy beer for a barbecue, would you buy it from a private source that provides no information about the contents of the bottles or would you purchase from your local beer store that content is listed and quality control on the product is enforced. Come on, let's stop being so ignorant and naive.

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