Published Dec 20, 2024
18 Posts
Caught diverting,admitted to it, have a lawyer. "Complaiance meeting " is Jan 30th. Recruiters won't assit with job placement. Hospitals won't hire, wehter I explain to them or not. Will any one hire as long as it's A "grey undetermined " area.
Got a decent job offer then rejected so psychologically depressed..
Aside from me admitting guilt to personal use narcotic diversio , the key "complaints listed" are undocumented waste and giving a pain med to early, and the having a narcotic in my pocket which I had to hand off to another nurse due to changing of pt assignment.
I still have no idea what she did with it, as we should of wasted it....
Neither I nor the nurse who wasted pressed thr "confirm waste " button which honestly why the hell is it there. Nor did pharmacy or charge or manager ever bring the issue up...Until after termination via the submitted info to BON.
Been reading stories and they are all so depressing, it's like why bother ,go do something else.
HPRP program may be required which costs..get this 20k a year for 1-3 years. Sooo. 20 ***ing thousand, I could go to a luxurie inpatient rehab for that amount.
I no longer have any desire for drugs and actually avoided giving them at my last job. I found my root cause analysis.
Appreciate any words or advice.
188 Posts
My advice. Enter HPRP. You've admitted guilt, so to keep your license, the BON will make you go. Think 5 years, not 3. Diversion will be a 5 year requirement. If you enter HPRP now, that's the quicker the 5 years are done and over. If you wait for the investigation to be done which could take up to 1 year and you aren't in HPRP, the clock doesn't start until to begin HPRP so this entire process turns into a 6 year process instead of 5.
Nobody cares at the BON whether you "don't have a desire" to do drugs anymore. Their job is public safety and public safety isn't "taking peoples word for it.'
To keep your license it's automatic that the BON will require HPRP. I promise's automatic. Enroll now. Wait one-year and play the lawyer game for the investigation to be done, and the results will be the same.....they will make you go to HPRP and enter it, so I would get the clock rolling now. You said you already admitted it. No lawyer will get you out of HPRP since you've admitted it.
As for jobs...think community health, dialysis, psych nursing. Keep the lawyer because there is a chance you could be criminally charged. The lawyer will prevent your license from being revoked and that's a good thing, but they will absolutely NOT be able to keep you from being required to enter HPRP.
686 Posts
It may well be 3 not 5 years. I know of someone who was a drug addict, diverted drugs and had legal charges and just finished 3 years. He went into HPRP ASAP. It was a total of 3.5 years from dealing with legal charges to finishing. It gets less expensive over time as the frequency of testing decreases each year. You can get a job after you have a monitoring agreement. Recruiters won't touch you now . Psych dialysis are options.
Your lawyer can hopefully help you choose an evaluator who will be fair. I'd try to get a monitoring agreement ASAP to finish faster.
I wouldn't take any controlled substances prescribed or not or drink while you're waiting.
I'm on psych meds for GAD(lyrica) and ADHD, Vyvanse .Lawyer said not to call or enroll in HPRP yet so? They may not offer it anyway my "meeting " is Jan 30th . Not that high functional w/o it but oh well I guess.
I'm honestly thinking of dropping nursing, and going into something else. I asume they won't care about that either. Would hprp still be mandated?
Know they only care about the 20k a year price on my head. Even after hprp nurses seem to have difficulty finding hospital type work? If that's the case then ya I'm done with nursing.
60k for hprp for 3 years ,to still be on a *** list doesn't seem logical, or fair.
Admiting to diversion for personal use see.ED my only choice. Lying just seemed dumb and I knew they'd find out anyway. Doesn't seem like it holds any weight.
So case management is out as well? Or healtg coach RN?
Ty for input!
Hprp is just if you want to keep your license, if you want to leavenursingyou don'tneed HPRP. . Hprp may let you stay on Vyvanse but I doubt they will be OK with Lyrica, maybe but I doubt it. These idiots think any controlled substance impairs you other than ADHD meds.
I think 20 k a year is too high. My friend did HPRP. He had to do 5 tests a month year one, 4 tests a month year 2 and 3 a month year 3. He had to meet with one of their therapists weekly for group therapy and once a month for individual therapy and they took insurance He had to meet with an addiction doctor once a quarter and that was self pay. After 2 years of negative drug tests he did not have to attend group therapy.
If you read through here there's a nurse who did crazy stuff and still had a job.. if you have a criminal record after your choices may be limited in any field.
If you can see yourself in another type of work I'd do it but that's me. A monitoring agreement is absolutely miserable but doable.
Good luck id also listen to your lawyer before anyone here.
Ps if you're using your real name, change it
And if the lyrica is for nerve pain? About how long after complaince meeting do they make determination?
I admitted to diverting the narc,but technically was unsuccessful, doubt it changes anything.
I also have a pending oral surgery which I'll be given necessary narcotics. They kick me.out for that? And meds for pain after. I'm have a bone graft to my upper palate from my illiac crest. No way I'd do that without pain meds. Nor cns I wait 3-5 years to get it done..
I have hair drug test I did. Will they care at all about that?
michael nalepsinki said: I'm on psych meds for GAD(lyrica) and ADHD, Vyvanse .Lawyer said not to call or enroll in HPRP yet so? They may not offer it anyway my "meeting " is Jan 30th . Not that high functional w/o it but oh well I guess. I'm honestly thinking of dropping nursing, and going into something else. I asume they won't care about that either. Would hprp still be mandated? Know they only care about the 20k a year price on my head. Even after hprp nurses seem to have difficulty finding hospital type work? If that's the case then ya I'm done with nursing. 60k for hprp for 3 years ,to still be on a *** list doesn't seem logical, or fair. Admiting to diversion for personal use see.ED my only choice. Lying just seemed dumb and I knew they'd find out anyway. Doesn't seem like it holds any weight. So case management is out as well? Or healtg coach RN? Ty for input!
Good luck. I would choose another profession if I had the money, time, ability for retraining. I was accused of being drunk at work and I wasn't. I got an eval and they told me I had SUD which was BS. I wasn't drunk and never had SUD. Got 5 years.
If you want to stay a nurse, you Will be required to have some time in monitoring. You already admitted it at work. They got you even if the evaluator says you have no SUD, your admission of diversion will have the BON give you at least some time in monitoring.
Lawyers are great for keeping you out of jail and for negotiating a better or reasonable consent order with the BON. Let them do their thing and listen to them. But, no lawyer in America will get you out of doing at least some time in monitoring since you already admitted guilt at work. That's why I would start monitoring now because it's over quicker. I waited 11 months until I got my consent order because my lawyer told me to and the whole ordeal will now be closer to 6 years instead of 5. He was helpful in saving my license from being revoked and suspended and got criminal charges dropped, but he told me that part of his negotiating with the BON to not suspend my license was them requiring monitoring program. If I would had just started initially I would be done now.
Don't wait on monitoring if you decide to stay in nursing. Read back through all the threads on this board about how many nurses regretted they didn't start monitoring early which would have ended the process earlier, but by not starting up front, heir ordeal was stretched to sometimes 7 years.
Blinkyvx said: And if the lyrica is for nerve pain? About how long after complaince meeting do they make determination? I admitted to diverting the narc,but technically was unsuccessful, doubt it changes anything. I also have a pending oral surgery which I'll be given necessary narcotics. They kick me.out for that? And meds for pain after. I'm have a bone graft to my upper palate from my illiac crest. No way I'd do that without pain meds. Nor cns I wait 3-5 years to get it done.. I have hair drug test I did. Will they care at all about that?
The statement admitting guilt is all the BON needs to give you at least some time in monitoring. Think about it this way. Let's say all your hair tests are negative and the substance evaluation says you don't have an SUD, the BON still has someone on record saying they diverted. Now, from the BONs perspective regarding public safety, do you really think they will let you walk scott free? Your lawyer will be helpful and might get you off the hook regarding this not being public, no suspension of license, and maybe only a warning from the BON, but the BON still has you on record admitting diversion. What will they do at a minimum? Common sense. They will require you to do at least some time in monitoring. That's 100 percent guaranteed. They can't take the risk of a lawsuit by the public by having a nurse on record that admitted diversion, yet got no time in monitoring. They will never take that risk. You WILL get some time in monitoring.
Any non narcotic is allowed if you have a valid script and proof of your needs. Lyrica is fine and the ADHD med will be fine if you have a letter from the provider to the BON and your monitoring program saying why you need it. They will not allow narcotics. If you have surgery, narcotics are allowed for the surgery and anesthesia as long as you have a letter from the surgeon sent to your case manager stating what meds were given and why. You will not be allowed to take opiates for over a week after surgery Regardless of what a physician or surgeon writes for. The BON won't allow that.
Wow that's some ***. I don't expect to not do monitoring. They clearly don't care about people's well being..1 week? I was in pain for a Month for my first surgery...whatever.
I'll ask lawyer about starting now,but she was against me agreeing to anything yet. Does that seem strange?
As my lawer mentioned avoding telling the truth and they will find out anyway, then whatever I say after will hold no weight as I lied and will for sure loose license. And what is shown on our license after completion of monitoring, nothing? Or is the modification history still visible to public.
I was thinking of dental.hygensit, if we surrender our license are we still unable to obtain another license? In michigan if it matters
Blinkyvx said: Wow that's some ***. I don't expect to not do monitoring. They clearly don't care about people's well being..1 week? I was in pain for a Month for my first surgery...whatever. I'll ask lawyer about starting now,but she was against me agreeing to anything yet. Does that seem strange? As my lawer mentioned avoding telling the truth and they will find out anyway, then whatever I say after will hold no weight as I lied and will for sure loose license. And what is shown on our license after completion of monitoring, nothing? Or is the modification history still visible to public. I was thinking of dental.hygensit, if we surrender our license are we still unable to obtain another license? In michigan if it matters. After monitoring nothing is supposed to show but that's not 100% guaranteed. My friend was allowed to take Gabapentin but the monitoring agreement would have been 5 years and he was expected to stop it his last 2 years so he stopped it and got a 3 year agreement
I was thinking of dental.hygensit, if we surrender our license are we still unable to obtain another license? In michigan if it matters. After monitoring nothing is supposed to show but that's not 100% guaranteed. My friend was allowed to take Gabapentin but the monitoring agreement would have been 5 years and he was expected to stop it his last 2 years so he stopped it and got a 3 year agreement
Ask your lawyer about dental hygienist. It still goes through a licensing board. Also the school or an employer may be able to find our about your situation.
Blinkyvx said: Wow that's some ***. I don't expect to not do monitoring. They clearly don't care about people's well being..1 week? I was in pain for a Month for my first surgery...whatever. I'll ask lawyer about starting now,but she was against me agreeing to anything yet. Does that seem strange?
Go by what your lawyer says, but the point I'm trying to make is this. You are NOT agreeing to anything with the BON if you enter monitoring. Monitoring is voluntary at this point because your investigation by the BON is still ongoing, so your entrance into monitoring is something the BON doesn't know about. Let's say you move on to another profession, then you simply withdrawal from monitoring if you want. Let's say you stay in nursing and the BON investigation is over and the BON consent order says, you have to do monitoring for 3 years or 5 years or whatever. You will have already been in monitoring for some time so you decrease the time this is all over.
Never surrender your license. If you surrender, you will be placed on your states Medicaid Disbarment list and by Federal Law, your state has to report you being on the disbarment list to the Federal Government Inspector Generals Office and there is then a 50/50 chance you go on the Federal OIG exclusion list for 5 years. That means you can't work anywhere in a business that takes Medicare. That aren't going to be a Dental Hygienist or anything else in the medical field for 5 years and it doesn't matter what state. You basically can't work in the Medical field with the exception of aesthetician offices which are hard jobs to find. Dialysis? Nope. Community Health? Nope. Want to become a plumber or HVAC person or real estate person while on the Federal OIG list? Good luck trying to acquire that license/certificate. Odds are...they will not give it to you. Same for massage therapist. No chance for 5 years.
Do NOT surrender your license. If you leave nursing and go the Dental Hygienist route, you aren't getting a DH license until guess do a monitoring program. You are right back to the monitoring program again and the monitoring program for nurses is probably the exact same one in your state for Dental Hygienist.
Don't surrender your license unless you understand that you basically aren't working in Healthcare for 5 years and if you return to Healthcare in 5 years after completing school in a new Healthcare Profession, they easily can see where your license in nursing was surrendered and you will then be required in that new profession in Healthcare to start a monitoring program, even if you move across the country to another state, they easily can find out and will know about your past nursing license.
What I'm saying is...if you plan to do ANYthing in the Healthcare field, plan on a monitoring program. You said your lawyer told you to "not agree to anything yet." Please understand the word "Yet" can mean.....1 year and sometimes, up to 2 years in some states by the time the BON and your lawyer are done negotiating and you have a consent order from the BON. Guess what that consent to order will say when you finally get it? It will say..."Monitoring." You can wait and start then of course, but if they gave you 5 years of monitoring and you don't start until 2 years from now if it takes that long to get your consent order, that means this ordeal goes for 7 years (that's almost 3/4th of a decade.) If you start monitoring now, you know your time automatically ends from the day you enter monitoring (either 3 years or 5 years, etc). Entering monitoring Starts the Clock for this craziness to end and it gives you at least some sense of control, a timeframe, a light at the end of the tunnel, and endpoint to the finish for this to be over.
I understand I will be forced monitoring, the expensive lawyer has no ability to decrease the monitoring period through negotiations?