Ontario Second-Entry Nursing (2017)

World Canada CA Programs


Hey everyone :)

So fall just flew in so I thought what a great time it would be to start my nursing applications lol. It is very early, but I enjoy having this on my mind. I am in my final year at University and am hoping to be a nursing student come next September. I wanted to make a space where we could come together with a common goal: getting accepted. The schools I plan to apply are:

Trent, Toronto, Humber, Western and Queens

Possibly considering RPN programs as well.

anyone get off the Western wait list?

I got a call from Western today with an offer of admission and I was waitlisted. Forgot to ask what they calculated my average to be but I can update when I call back in.

Thank you please let me know :) What do you think it is around?

Nice thread.

Are there applicants with international credentials?

I will be applying to Trent, Number, Queens, York, Mac and UofT for 2018 fall. Any one else?

Hi everyone I just got in off the waitlist at Western. I was planning on going to U of T but may switch so a spot on the U of T waitlist will most likely open up

Hi everyone I just got in off the waitlist at Western. I was planning on going to U of T but may switch so a spot on the U of T waitlist will most likely open up

Congrats!! Do you prefer Western to U of T? If yes, why?

Hi OptNurse,

Yes, I have international credentials (Veterinary Medicine). Looking to get into Humber specifically, as I feel the preparatory semester will be beneficial to me, career-wise. Already done my WES ICAP for Undergrad and ICAS for High School grades. Looking at 2018 as well!

Has anyone here taken the anatomy and physiology course through UofT continuing education studies? Can you please share your experience with the course and how it was?

Thank you!

Hi Toronto2bNurse2016 , Would you mind answering a few questions about the uoft application process? I am specifically wondering how you went about letting uoft know that you are in the middle of completing prerequisites and at the same time applying for the program.

are you calculating your average using OMSAS - Undergraduate Grading System Conversion Table or online calculator?

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