UMSON Spring 2017 BSN

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone Apply for UMSON for Spring 2017 ???

For those accepted , have you gotten an email , phone call or letter in the mail yet?

I heard back November 9 and have not gotten a phone call or acceptance letter back. Apparently the admissions staff doesn't start to make calls until most people are informed of their acceptance online and an acceptance letter should be mailed out within a week or two of your online acceptance.

status still on committee ready. My heart is breakin into a thousand pieces

Just found out tthis morning that I got in!!!!

Then just not recieved my email. I had no idea they could pick which campus to send you to?? I thought I had applied for Baltimore but was accepted for shady grove which is like an hour plus drive as opposed to 15 mins.

does anyone know if we have the option to switch if someone else gives up their Baltimore seat or what?

dont get me wrong I am so elated and relieved to have found out today, it just wasn't what I had expected.

Are you sure you indicated Baltimore on your application? I would call them and see if theyc could switch you before they send anymore acceptances out!

Specializes in MedSurg.

Yeah could be you clicked on the shady grove option by mistake on your application. Let them know.

I'm still at committee ready. Wish they looked at all waitlisted students from fall first...

Hi Grey Lady,

What makes a candidate a competitive applicant? I was waitlisted for Fall. Is high GPA a major factor? Thank you for answering our questions.

UMSON does not just look at gpa. UMSON factors in repeated classes with gpa. Say for example a person fails a math class with a D and then retakes it and pass with an A . Usually the d grade will fall off the person gpa and will only factor in the A grade . But with UMSON, they will factor in both the failing and passing grade into the gpa which may lower the overall gpa. Some individuals don't realize that and maybe actually be applying with a lower gpa than they think. They're looking for well rounded students. I know quite a few number of people that came into my adn program with 4.0 gpa and could not pass a nursing course to save their lives, so having a high gpa is not everything.

Most schools do that.

status still on committee ready. My heart is breakin into a thousand pieces

Me toooooooo

I try to convince myself that no news is still good news but anxiety is finishing me completely. I just can't take my mind off of this.

I'm new to this thread and have been following it since September. I'm still on committee ready and becoming extremely anxious and worried. It's been over a week since they started releasing acceptances. But I'm trying to keep my head up and hope for the best. That's all we can do now at this point anyways. I wish everyone luck and congrats to those who got in!

Are you applying for traditional BSN too or RN-BSN?

I applied for traditional BSN

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