So I have been a charge nurse for around 8 months now. One of the most challenging things is to make assignments for the oncoming team.
Just recently we were short RNs for the oncoming shift and I unfortunately had to make some tough assignments. I wasn't sure how to make the assignments so I got feedback from other charge nurses and our supervisor for our shift.
Some nurses had to be pushed by 1 extra patient (but I gave them a lighter load) and some nurses had to have a heavier team (at their normal full capacity).
When the oncoming team came in, I explained the shortage of nurses for the day and how we all had to stretch.
Majority of the nurses were understanding but there were a few who were LIVID about their assignment.
It had gotten so far as to them speaking to me in a disrespectful manner in front of everyone else and rudely telling me to change their assignment because they will not take their team. Some of them made rude comments out loud about how I was wasn't thinking thoroughly through making the assignments. Some of the nurses from my shift tried to explain to them about the assignments as well because they seen how upset they were.
I had to over-explain to them about why I had to do the assignments like that for the greater good of everyone and how they are not alone in how heavy their assignments were.
I've been a nurse for almost 2 years now and I have never felt so disrespected by my own co-workers. I felt embarrassed and they almost made me feel like I was incompetent with being a charge nurse. I just never thought you would feel comfortable speaking to your own co-workers like that.
I have gotten a rough assignment before and I never speak to our charge nurse like that. I just buckle up my boots and start my day.
Other nurses who overhead the conversations encouraged me to speak to our manager about it.
I ended up e-mailing my manager about what happened. I didn't want to come off like a "tattle-tale" but I hope we get a resolution, because (to me) that was very toxic. I'm a sensitive person and I'm upset that they used my kindness and lack of defense as a means to be overly disrespectful.
Is this type of behavior common? How would you have handled the situation? I'm wondering if I should have stood up more for myself in front of them. I just kind of ignored it and tried to be polite about it because there were other people around and I felt embarrassed.