Published May 17, 2022
Steph T
1 Post
Hello fellow OR Nurses. We are experiencing burnout and higher than normal turnover. I am curious what everyone receives for being on call. I see there was a post from 2013 reflecting this same topic, but want more current numbers. We get only $2.50 an hour to carry the pager. This hasn't increased in FOREVER. Time and a half for being called in, minimum of 2 hrs. The $2.50 stops when you clock in. Can you mention which state you work in, and the on call rate?
Thank you!
From St. Louis City, MO. Pager on call at $3.50.
Kangoshi, BSN, RN
13 Posts
Indianapolis, IN. $4/hr, 3 hr minimum. Current call requirements are 1 day each week, and one full weekend (Friday at 5PM to Monday at 7AM) every six weeks.
Silver_Rik, ASN, BSN, RN
201 Posts
Kentucky. $7.50/hour on call pay. 1.5X time plus $3.50 shift differential, 2 hour minimum. If you live more than 30 minutes from the hospital they reimburse cost of a hotel room when on call (until recently they booked and paid for the room up front, now you have to book it, pay for it, and file for reimbursement.)
14 Posts
California. On-call rate is half your base pay, which for me is about $40/hour. Time and a half for being called in, also a minimum of 2 hours.
Bell13, ASN
77 Posts
NJ here. $4 an hour for duration. when called in - time and a half. minimum 3 hours. after 11am - shift diff $3 per hour when called in.
On 6/11/2022 at 1:51 AM, RN_JuJu said: California. On-call rate is half your base pay, which for me is about $40/hour. Time and a half for being called in, also a minimum of 2 hours.
don't make us jealous RN_JuJu
MinneNurse, BSN, RN
104 Posts
Minneapolis, Minnesota - $10.00ish and some change an hour, guaranteed 4 hours of pay if called in
RickyRescueRN, BSN, RN
208 Posts
California Bay Area RN here at a Unionized Hospital. We get half our base pay rate to be "on call" ($40-$60/hr) then time and a half from the time we come in. You can then stay up to 2 hours even if they don't need you. Horrified to read how little nurses are being paid to be on call in other parts of the country.