Okay WOW!

Nurses General Nursing


Some of you know that I got my first 90 day review at this new hospital that I am working for (I was agency after being a LTC RN for 4 years, was scared being agency but found a company that gave me support and love for who I am and what I can do! Took on the job with them!). Well..it went BEYOND what I even imagined as Okay!

First...it was explained that my personality and proactive nature was top of the list. That I tend to be realistic and proactive and this has already within 90 days increased moral to the point that after 3 years of having a hard time getting nurses....my floor is being requested!!!!!! I guess they were having a hard time getting people to work that floor! WOW...ME? Can't be just me...but they insisted that I brought a fun flair to nursing that was appropriate and contagious! COOL!

Then...they said I am going to be trained as manager! I was like ???? But they said I was a strong nurse with the right ethics and probelm solving skills and they want me in management, in fact, to train for an administrative position within two years! OMGosh! I reminded them I was ADN..and they said "well you earned the right to make history here my dear! You will be the first ADN Administrator here!". I about fainted!

I also...yeah!!!!!! Will train student RN's and preceptors as I was hoping! YES!!!!!!! Whoooooo hoooooooooo!

IN addition, they know I need day shifts and they are thinking about making a mid day/swing shift and I will be the first so I can get home at a decent hour!

I will also be doing classes for the hospital on various issues I have shown interest and experience in...like the many lectures I have done on here about treating the patient not the machine results!

And lastly....a 4 buck raise per hour, and more in March once my relief management comes to play!!!!!!!!!

GUYS!!!!!!! Take my advice on this...don't settle for long at places you feel negativity with! I went agency, found my niche..and look at this!!!! I am not different than most...just got tired of the BS and said I would be myself no matter what! IT WORKED! When I am able to be myself...better things happen because I am more relaxed and confident :)!

AND BIG TIME thank you all so very much! I know for sure and in my heart that it is the support of you all here that has helped me not only to make the scary leap to agency, then supported me in taking on the hospital job even though I was intimidated (out of practice), reminded me to be myself, and complimented/thanked me for my advice/support! You all helped me to realize that myself is a pretty good person after all and to go with it! You were right!!!!!!

Huggles to all...you all helped to make this possible and I am honestly on cloud nine!!!!!!!!!!!!

You rock girl!! Judging by the inspiration you have been to some of the future nurses on these boards you will do well in your new role!!


Specializes in Rehab, Step-down,Tele,Hospice.

I have to say Im not really surprised at all. I have always enjoyed reading your posts, you come across as very upbeat and professional.

Good luck to you !

Specializes in Nursing assistant.
I have to say Im not really surprised at all. I have always enjoyed reading your posts, you come across as very upbeat and professional.

Good luck to you !

ditto rnkittyo4!

Not a bit suprised! You're a keeper!

Specializes in none yet, but I'm VERY excited!.

Congratulations Triage! I'm very happy for you!

It is all about who you work with. When given the choice in my current line of work between working with great people and doing something I enjoy, I always go for the positive, up-beat team and I've never regretted it. I think it would be a privilege working with or for you!


Kenny B.

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