Okay, I'm overwhelmed

Nursing Students General Students


Yesterday, I did two chapters of my Nursing Fundamentals study guide. Today I did the objectives for this week, all 35 of them. I did all the objectives for this week's Pharmacology and opened up this week's objectives for Assessment. I still have to read three chapters of Carpenito's Nursing Diagnoses. My hand is about to fall off. My fingers have developed a cramp and I've made myself very very drowsy. I have been at it since early this morning. Yesterday I spent the entire afternoon up until bedtime reading for the upcoming week and doing those objectives.

The answers for those objectives are long! Oftentimes it takes a page and a half to answer! I've dried up two pens!

I am going to take a nap.

Mayhaps when I get up I can tackle more writing......ARGH!!!!!!:(

Gonna try that John. Thanx! Sounds much better than re-typing the whole chapter (like I have been known to do). he he.


The Study Card/Guides are what I used to get through Nursing school. Hang in there!!!!!!

Specializes in oncology.

I too feel like my hand is going to fall off. If I write things down I retain the information better than typing. I am just four weeks into nursing school. I too have wondered if they are trying to "weed" people out. I just keep thinking...How long are we going to have to keep up at this pace. If I ever missed one day - I would never be able to catch up!! I just keep my nose in the books.

Hey guys, I'm a senior nursing student--graduate in May!! WOO HOO! Just thought I would say keep it up and hang in there. It is possible to get through nursing school without tons of coffee, soda, or sugar...it's all about balancing your course work and good time management. But most important, make sure you enjoy what you're doing--cause that makes a big difference! I guess those are my words of encouragement! Good luck!

Overwhelmed is not the word for it. We just had our first test in OB. I can't count the hours I prepared for it.I can tell you anything you want to know about maternal alphafetaprotiens,fetal circulation,triple marker tests etc. But do you think any of that was on the test NO! I have anther test to study for tonight, but I am so drained, right now I just don't care.

12 weeks and counting. Good luck to us all.

I graduate in May too. The course content certainly is overwhelming at times, but I've found you have to know when to get up and walk away from it and take breaks. It will still be there when you get back. You have to space everything out, don't wait till the last minute to cram. Read your notes over every night and try to pick a relaxed environment if possible - i.e. don't try to study while the kids are screaming or the TV is blaring. If you have to, go into the bathroom and lock the door and run the water to block out the noise - I've had many "study hall sessions" that way! A lot of the pressure we put on ourselves. Easy does it is the key. And lastly, social butterflies and nursing students don't mix. You can't be both. You may have to curtail a lot of extra curricular activities to devote more time to your studies. It's ok, people will get over it. Personally, I would rather pass a nursing exam than go to a tupperware party! Hang in there, guys!!

Catma63, there is a magazine called "Nursing Made Incredibly Easy". It is from the people that make the books of the same name. I have heard good things about it and have subscribed, but haven't received my first issue yet. It hasn't been long since I subscribed. Anyways, you can subscribe if you are interested by going to amazon.com and looking up the title under magazines. I hope that helps.

Flash cards help me. I find that way, on the test, I can recall one side of the call, and then think of the other side. Might or might not help you, just throwing it out there.

Flash cards bring in the audio/visual learning.. which is what im better at.. I cant memorize ugh!

I agree with SNOWIE

Nursing made insanely easy is a wonderful tool it helps you visualize concepts (and it's cheap) for the OB person as i said before you need a good review book with questions and rationales review your notes and the take the practice questions in the book you will be amazed at how well you do !!!!!!

Originally posted by Catma63

No no noooooo, don't let me scare you. If anything, make it work in just the opposite....determination....resolve. I made myself get away from the table for a tad and then felt better when I approached it again. When one sits in front of the books too long, one starts slipping into a coma....haha. Breaks are necessary, yes. After a snack of popcorn, I felt embodied.....now, if only I'd had some chocolate too.

Btw, does anyone know where I can find a subscription service that (1) is affordable and (2) will deliver nursing magazines to my door? What mags do folks recommend....I need journals, lots and lots of journals.

Yeah I take Nursing2003 It comes to my door, it's a great mag even though much of it is over my head! Heather:chuckle

Originally posted by deadend

I agree with SNOWIE

Nursing made insanely easy is a wonderful tool it helps you visualize concepts (and it's cheap) for the OB person as i said before you need a good review book with questions and rationales review your notes and the take the practice questions in the book you will be amazed at how well you do !!!!!!

Is the mag. actually called Nursing made insanely easy?? Or is it incredibly easy? Or are you talking about a book? Heather:confused:

it is a paper back book called nursing made insanely easy, Not incredibly easy You will wonder how you got along without it!!!!!

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