Published Nov 1, 2005
187 Posts
Ok...this promises to be the very last thread about my potential job switch....I went and job shadowed yesterday at my new potential's a telephone triage job, four days a week, day hours, every third or fifth weekend...I enjoyed my time there and thought it would be a pretty cool job...maybe a bit are in a room with a phone and other thought was that it may get repetitious. Overall..I liked it and was all set to tell the lady that I accept the job......(she wants to know today)...
Well...(ok first understand that this is the same facility, just clinic versus hosptial)....
Ok..the hosptial held a nursing forum yesterday...I didn't go cause' I was job the meeting they announced a new night differential of 2.25 on weeknights and 3 dollars an hour on weekends..(I work every other right now)....
Ok...I'm just going to be un-PC and come out with the difference in pay:
Current med/surg job: New weeknight pay: 29.97 New weekend pay 30.72 :)
Potential triage job.... 21.57
OK..this is getting closer to 9 or 10 dollars difference...vs. the 6 dollar difference prior to the announcement of the new diff. That is a huge difference!!!!!
I don't hate my current job..just getting a little burnt out..(maybe I need a have my nurse manager wrapped around my little finger and she listens to me. She also is very good about letting me take pto, request off for "cramp time"..(i have endometriosis)...I love the people I work with..I feel like we are a family.
I just don't think I can leave.....what do you guys think? I mean..I think we could get by with the lesser pay but...we are saving for a bigger house and I want horses again.....we could get these things a lot Plus, my DH works if I stay on nights..we could get by with less daycare...(he doesn't work weekends)....when and if we every have kids....
As much as I want to try something different..I just don't think I can walk away from that money. new job might give me better hours and more time to do stuff....but the things we like to do require know?
What do you guys think? Ohhh..I should mention that in January..I'll be up for my yearly review at my current job...(another raise)...also the hospital does yearly cost of living raises...and the clinic doesn't.
Thanks all...
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
I think i could make a paycut work if it means i'm going to like the job better.
That's just the thing...I"m not sure if I'll like the job better...u know? sounds good now just cause' it's something different...u know? My initial thought when I shadowed was yeah..this is ok...but it wasn't what I was picturing in my mind for some reason. In the clinic, it's a lot of hunting down charts, getting charts to where they need to go, wasn't as "nursey" as I thought. I think it may be different in a call center type atmosphere..but looked ok..but like something I may get bored with after awhile. The one good thing about med/surg....things are always changing and you are never doing the same types of things.... I don't know....knowing the lifestyle we like to live...I just don't think I can walk away from that money...especially when my current job is something that I don't mind. I think I have bad nights and I base the whole job on those bad nights...I do have a lot of good nights too...(mostly good nights actually). I think part of me has to learn to let go of a mistake or a bad night and just get on with things.
Have you posted any of these concerned on the Telephone Nursing forum?
Antikigirl, ASN, RN
2,595 Posts
I would gladly give up the higher pay for more enjoyment of my job! I chose a career, and wanted satisfaction from it...that was my goal...and if I would get a job offer for something I enjoyed...I would take it!
I just bought a new house, and we really need me to bring in more money. Sadly...even though promiced a increase in wage, the adminstration changed annual wage increases...and cut my hours drastically! So I held on to this job because it meant more pay when I needed it...and got the knife in the back!
Go with what YOU want from your career...not promises that can be changed in a day because of facility smart in sticking with something you enjoy because typically if you enjoy it...people notice and you preform better (same with if you dislike your job...people do notice!)...
Good luck with your is a tough one, but I take a look at the foundation of probelms...and when it comes to the foundation is ME and my personal satisfaction with it because I can't be my fullest if I don't like what I am doing...and to me that is more important than money....
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,551 Posts
Before I was all for you going to the triage job, but now I think you should stay. Your current job sounds ideal for a medsurg job. That is a huge amount of money, and while it is easy to say you can adjust to less pay, in practice it can be very difficult. If you are thinking you may be bored already you are probably correct.
On the other side of things you could try it and return to medsurg if you don't like it.
I guess I am as conflicted as you are!
Have you sat down and listed the pro's and con's of each job? Have you sat down and actually written up a realistic budget based on the lower pay and the higher pay? If not - I would do both those things right away and then follow your gut. Seeing things in writing often can have more impact than when you are just noodling them around in your brain.
Good luck and let us know the outcome.
36 Posts
Just some food for thought....from a different view.
A few years ago the regional hospital added a telephone triage or "ask a nurse"...It was staffed with exp. RN's and they had alot of takers due to the fact of the ever dreaded "burnout". Those positions lasted until the first fiscal budget deficiet......guess what was the first to get cut...? So now those RN's had a choice to make and most couldnt get back to their old units so they had to take was available or leave. It sounds like a good job but when the budget knifes start slicing those are usually the first to go.
Thanks again everyone for your insightful input...I really appreciate it. I did decide to turn down the job. I would have liked to have tried it but that is so much money to be walking away from...u know? We did go thru our budget and we could have gotten by...but with very little extra to spend on "other things". I hate to sound selfish...but we do enjoy a little extra money and being able to do fun things. Like I said before....sure the hours would have been better and I would have had more free time....but if you're stuck at home and not able to do anything (due to lack of money)..what's the point.
I also forced myself to think about the things I really enjoy about my current job..and actually there's quite a few.....we are always staffed very well, for every patient that drives me crazy..there are two or three that are sweet, kind, and appreciative of my care. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I would probably miss that direct patient contact. In the triage are alone, in an office, with a phone and computer...and like I initial thought was "this may get boring after awhile". I also love the people I work with at my current job..we truly are like a little's great. NM is kind of flighty sometimes but overall...she is and always has been very, very good to me and she is very understanding about my chronic endometriosis..which is huge for me. Part of me didn't feel like making someone new try to understand all that stuff.
A lot of it did come down to the money again.....I think I make an excellent wage for being in a rural area of Wisconsin!!! and we are not understaffed like so many of the other hospitals are. We also added in the possibility of kids into the budget and the little extra bit of money we would have had with the triage job was all eaten up by daycare and kiddo neccessities.
So..anywho...ohhh...i have made a vow to myself to not take my worries home with me at my current job... I seriously think that's what got me looking for a different job in the first place. I had a horrible night a few weeks ago...and I came home worried about the patient and feeling bad about myself as a nurse....I can't do that anymore....that's where my stress comes from!!!! I have been told by many that I'm an excellent nurse...I guess i just have to start believing it more and not take things home with me and dwell on them!!!!!
Ok..that's it...thanks again are all great..
ceecel.dee, MSN, RN
869 Posts
Congrats on your decision!
p.s...there is no perfect job.
Congratulations! My sense is that you really made the right decision for you at this time of your life.