Ohlone College Fall 2011/Spring2012

U.S.A. California


Has anyone rec'd an acceptance e-mail yet? For the last 2 years they have e-mailed people the Friday after the app period closed. I was sure someone would've heard something by now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an acceptance e-mail! :)

Haha *scratches head* Mine are not that impressive. I'm thankful to get into the SJSU BSN program!

Prerequisite GPA: 3.46

Composite GPA: 3.5

Teas: 92%

They don't count overall GPA, which mine was 3.26. :uhoh3:

My advice would definitely get the A's and nothing less. For teas, go for 100% and I think it's best to study 10-15 days before the Teas V test to retain the fresh information. That's just my opinion though.

I studied for the TEAS V for 1 month, I was feeling good about it as I covered all the material in the ATI study guide, But my feelings changed when I purchased the online practice test, there were things which are not mentioned in the study guide at all. I scored bad on the real TEAS test (62.7), I am now devastated because I really don't know how I will score a good 80 let alone 100. How did you study for your TEAS, I need help.:confused:

Well I studied for the Teas IV not V. But I use the internet to my advantage as you should too. Try to find websites like these, which are dedicated to nursing and things related to nursing. People may post their previous experiences with Teas V and what surprised them on the test, and what maybe on the test.

I gained a lot of help from reading previous posts on here about the Teas IV. I knew what to focus on, what my weaknesses were based on the Teas Study Guide practice questions, and what previous Teas test takers said were my heavily tested on! So then I would only focus on certain topics that had more questions, and not just cram my brain full of information.

Try searching on allnurses.com for topics related to Teas V, perhaps google and type in key word searches. I remember I bought the Kaplan and ATI study guide, I found the ATI study guide a lot more helpful... but it had a significantly deficient study section for science..like chemistry; but went in-depth with anatomy/physiology when there was only 1 question on the test about it.

Don't just study hard! Study Smart! :)

Well, to be honest, I did small prep time for the test. For the first 2-3 weeks I just glanced at what I should focus on and tested myself to see if I can get close to 100% on the practice exam in the ATI study book. I never purchased the online practice test.

When the test date was coming close, I buckled down and took down my list of what may be on the Teas IV test and studied only those particular area. When I finished what I thought was most important, then I would glance at the minor details just in case.

For me, I thought the Teas IV test was a cinch. Not being arrogant, but it asked many simple spatial questions on the reading/english part. Like rearrange this shape according to the directions and what shape do you get?

Like any other test, never spend more than perhaps 1 minute and 30 seconds on each problem. They're all counted equally. So I would definitely do the ones I know first, then leave the more difficult ones for the remainder of the time.

If there are ones you don't know, then try to narrow it down and choose the most "common sense answer".

Thank you calstateprenursing. You make a good point, study smart, not hard. The problem when I took the test was that I can not move to the next question unless I have answered the previous ones, this really affected my time, I run out of time leaving out question I may have the answers to. Next time, I will take the paper version test, I will also put your ideas to use. Thanks again.

Is a TEAS V Score of 80 and a Pre-requisite gpa of 3.68 and overall GPA of 3.72 good enough to get into SJSU?

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