Published Feb 4, 2006
1,116 Posts
HI... firstly, I know this is not a place for medical advice......however I have a hypothetical question, and need validation of my suspicion...
83 yr old, hx of chronic constipation, recent (3 months) spine fx, been vomiting , diarrhea x 5 days.Not bilious, or fecal like. Havent listened to BS,yet, but if absent or hypo, sounds like an obstruction, right? Tell her to go to er? No fever, hydration is ok per urine output. I know we cant be sure, but would any of you suspect obstruction if you saw these symptoms???
Thanks everybody!!!!
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
If this were a pt. would have paged the doctor, and informed him/her of my findings. Then it would be up to the doctor to determine what's wrong with the pt.
Reading past posts, i'm suspecting you're not asking this about a pt.
875 Posts
Agree that this sounds like not a patient, if it were a pt, I'd recommend you head to the patient and listen to the bowel sounds, then call the MD.
Many pts with Obstruction have HYPER, not hypo active bowel sounds.
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
I concur with members assessment of thread.
Have person seen by a qualified health care provider asap.
Thread closed for seeking medical advice.
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
85yo with FX spine -- often on narcotic pain meds, chronic contipation now vomiting + diarrhea--- classic signs of narcotic induced constipation turned into bowel obstruction.
Good website that lists symptom with possible diagnosis is
Intestional obstruction:
They need to be seen by PCP ASAP or ER since five days --do not delay.