NZ State Exams!!! :-S

World International


Hello!! i'm currently getting ready to sit the NZ Nursing COuncil state exams to be a registered nurse in three weeks...i'm just wondering if anyone can help give me a few tips on how to study and prepare for state exams...the nursing school says 'study everything' but there is just sooooo much its overwhelming. is state really a difficult exam?!? because i'm so stressed about it its terrible...any...ANY advice at all would be so appreciated. thanks :-D

I agree - Id love to know more info on the format of the NZ state nursing exam.. any help guys? :)

Bumping for those newly qualified NZRNs. You may like to give some useful tips please aside from the usual study regimen. thanks :)

Got States in a a few days. Could someone please confirm if these are all scenarios.. ie) i have been sent some practice questions but they are mainly A&P no scenario, like the kind of questions u would expect in a straight A & P exam . It is mind boggling and looking at these i dont stand a chance. However scenarios are worded better so i kinda know those answers. Judging by these questions i have been sent i dont know the answers and really dont have time to study. So could someone please confirm that they are written similar to the NCLEX (but not as comprehensive) please and thankyou. Everyone says they are easy and to know safety safety safety .

Did state yesterday:

1.5 hours for first exam with 90 questions

1.5 hours for 2nd exam with 90 questions

All multiple choice with A-D answers.

About 5-6 drug calcs which related to drop factors with no trick questions


However, its not something u can study for, for example:

Scenarios (all scenarios) with the following topics... and NO cardiac questions (wot the hey!!!)



MULTIPLE SCELROSIS (these ones blew my brain cause i couldnt rememeber a single thing)


HEAPS N HEAPS ON MENTAL HEALTH (i think the majority were MH): psychosis, general therapeutic questions





There was only about 2 medications mentioned in all 180 questions. No lab values (thank goodness)

So for those sitting in upcoming months, years: read the questions they were easily written. I just read the Lippincotts NCLEX and a yellow book from Bennetts bookstore that christchurch polytech publish. It cost about $25 including postage and was a variety of questions n answers (some of these were in the exam). But in all honesty the yellow book was more useful (its for state finals) and the NCLEX didnt really help as the questions in state are almost general knowledge. Like u cant really study-study for them cause its so random.

Good luck to all in the future

Happy studying n happy nursing:nurse:

oh yeah n 2 questions on early stages and late stages of shock. both questions had the exact same answers like high Bp or low BP, what are resp and pulse doing :)

thanks purityplus:pI had my state final on 15th Nov as well. just couple of things to add on.

pregnancy and child birth Qs, such as a 16 weeks pregnant woman contact someone who has measle, what should she do?? - answer like, it's safe, do nothing; contact doctor etc

a new born baby lost weight in the first week, the answer like: it is normal; malnutrition etc

TB - what kind of meds should use??( isoniazid, rifampicin, & ethambutol)

side effects of those drugs (the answer has - urine colour is orange, etc)

and in nz, what test is first used to diagnose TB, I chose Mantoux test

STD Qs - only one?? chlamydial

blood transfusion - why important to administer blood at the correct rate. the answer is - to prevent fluid overload

if pt has raised temp of 39 when having blood transfusion, what should you do?? - stop the blood

mental health Qs were very straight forward, the area they tested us, such as bipolar, lithium side effects, how do you know the pt is toxic - signs of toxicity (such as blurred vision, drowsiness, confusion)

respiridone (resperdal) side effects

palliative care, quite a lot Qs here, about communicating with family, delegate enrolled nurse, what kind of food they eat? - i choose let them to eat whatever they like (terminal care, comfort care)

hypovolaemia shock - signs and symptoms (early stage and late stage) - I remember that my lecturer told us that BP can be normal until final stage, that's what I chose for my answer, hope I got right. quite confused about these 2 Qs

and hypovolaemia shock pathophysiology?? decreased stroke volume, venous return, cardiac output

I found the test 1 had lots of pathophysiology Qs and much harder than test 2, just my personal opinion.

Type 1 diabetes - why they easily get UTIs?? signs and symptoms. heaps Qs

Mental Health Act - pt rights under the MHA

Hope it helps:p

nursing in the community (could not remember anything here:confused: )

tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy - during the first 24 hours following pt's adenotonsillectomy, which of the following would you report immediately?? _ increasing pulse rate - may indicate shock

when pt is dischated from hospital, recommendations given to parents??

wrong drug administration, what should you do?? - report the incident to the Dr etc

acute asthma attack - S & S's; aminophylline, what type of drug is this?? bronchodilator ( my friend chose it wrong, because the following Q was asking you about aminophylline infusion?? he thought how can this med work on the IV way?? )

confidential and privacy - eg. neighbour rings the ward inquiring about pt's condition, what should you do?? - not give information

pt c/o heart burn as her pregnancy progresses, what kind of meals you should suggest?

a pregnant woman told you that body image changed during the pregnancy, and worried about it?? - one of the answer is encouraging her to talk her feelings, the other one is ask her to talk more, and reassure the pregnancy period is over soon ( I got confused, I thought they are quite similar answers)

cultural safety Qs

young Maori male admitted to hospital for the 1st time, he is anxious ( what should you do first??) His whole family want to stay in the room ( what should you do?) he thinks he has a curse on him, because he stood up on tapu land (what should you do?)

suicidal, risk assessment

your colleague told you that she had sexual relationship with the client, what should you do??

care following total hip joint replacement - post-op care

do not turn on affected side unless specifically ordered; place pillow between legs when turning on unaffected side; use pillow to maintain abduction after hip replacement, to prevent dislodging the prosthesis and to prevent contracture; avoid flexing the hip of a client with a total hip replacement; assist to high, straignt backed chair when permitted to sit. the above information were asked in exam, and you may find more information in this area.

medication error - an IV medication is unlabelled ( who can relabel it ??)

recovery principle

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Are we discussing actual questions on your state final? Are you allowed to actually discuss these questions?

The exams change between sittings. This is a general guide to what kinda questions to expect and that they are random so no point in crazy studying on cardio or resp etc. And if nz'ers buy teh yellow book i previously mentioned it shows exactly how the questions will be.... like short scenarios so they dont need to panic too much its a very straight forward exam. But we were told every exam changes between sittings.

can anybody show me how to edit the information?? Many thanks

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
can anybody show me how to edit the information?? Many thanks

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