NYU hiring process

U.S.A. New York


Hello I recently applied for a position at NYU, they sent me an email recently saying to complete an online questionnaire or assessment tool. Is that a good sign? Do I have a good chance of hearing back?

Hi all,

I applied for the residency program and someone reached out to me for a phone interview. They explained to me that I would be a candidate for the April class and to let them know when I pass my NCLEX. I emailed and then they said there were not many open positions. Has this happened to any of you and do they get more openings?

Thank you!

I applied to that and some other positions. At this point I have interviewed for three different positions with nine different NYU people. And now no one evens answers an email, I'm really not sure what to do but it is very discouraging and unprofessional.

I applied to that and some other positions. At this point I have interviewed for three different positions with nine different NYU people. And now no one evens answers an email, I'm really not sure what to do but it is very discouraging and unprofessional.

I agree, very discouraging. Should I try applying to other positions at NYU? I thought they only take new grads into the residency program? I haven't gotten any interviews just a phone interview and they are just saying to wait it out now.

If they told you to wait it out, I would do that. They have all the power, so we just have to wait and accept the situation. I think they collect candidates. Continue to apply elsewhere though, in time we'll get jobs, but I think we have to keep our options open.

If they told you to wait it out, I would do that. They have all the power, so we just have to wait and accept the situation. I think they collect candidates. Continue to apply elsewhere though, in time we'll get jobs, but I think we have to keep our options open.

Definitely. Very frustrating but have to keep going! lol thank you for your help, let me know if you hear anything!

You are very welcome, and I wish you the best of luck. It's hard but we just have to keep plugging along and try to be positive. It'll happen!

Did you guys get any more updates after the offer?

Yes, I was sent a bunch of emails for like background checks, other forms the fill out. i already went for my physical, just waiting to be medically cleared now. Did you get the offer email yet?

They said that a lot of internals from the regular hospital are transferring over to the PACU so they offered my adult. I said I preferred Peds so they're opening a position for me. Should get it by "Wednesday" as they said. Lol.

Yes, I was sent a bunch of emails for like background checks, other forms the fill out. i already went for my physical, just waiting to be medically cleared now. Did you get the offer email yet?


How did you go about applying for the residency program? And who did you email specifically? I'm having a hard time getting all of this information as I can't reach many people via phone.

Hi all,

I applied for the residency program and someone reached out to me for a phone interview. They explained to me that I would be a candidate for the April class and to let them know when I pass my NCLEX. I emailed and then they said there were not many open positions. Has this happened to any of you and do they get more openings?

Thank you!


How did you go about applying for the residency program? And who did you email specifically? I'm having a hard time getting all of this information as I can't reach many people via phone.

They collect candidates. I've noticed more and more of us are just being offered straight interviews now. They are not longer doing those big interivew days like they used to. Positions are getting filled veyr quickly. You need to be on your toes and fast when they tell you they have something open.

If they told you to wait it out, I would do that. They have all the power, so we just have to wait and accept the situation. I think they collect candidates. Continue to apply elsewhere though, in time we'll get jobs, but I think we have to keep our options open.
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