NYU Accelerated Nursing Program.. any thoughts?

U.S.A. New York


HELLO, I work as a PCT at NYU hospital . This job helped me discover my passion for nursing. The only thing I hate about my job is feeling limited to the tasks I'm allowed to perform. I want to dc foleys, remove IJ's, straight cath pt's, hang fluids, put IV's, administer medications. I feel jealous when I observe the nurses perform all these tasks. I am always shadowing nurses on my unit. I cant wait to be done with my first bachelors and apply for nursing school. NYU is my first choice.

Wow there is a huge difference between PCT duties in NY and in Ga. In Ga we have to do all those things you listed expect hang fluids and do IV's. I have drawn blood from newborns and removed and inserted a lot of things on adult patients. The sucky thing is we get paid a lot less.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Why are you continuing with a non-nursing degree instead of just moving into a BSN? Seems like a waste of time and money. Also, having a previous degree may exclude you from funding opportunities. Just curious.

FYI - nursing is not just about 'tasks'. all of the things you listed can be done by LVNs & some by CNAs in TX. Nursing is a 'knowledge based' profession with enormous responsibility. This is not usually apparent if you're looking in from the outside - and can be a very unpleasant 'reality shock' for many new grads.

Did somebody tell you you had to finish your first bachelor's before you could go to nursing school??? Not true. Get over to Hunter or NYU or someplace and transfer stat!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Duplicate threads merged and moved to NY State Nursing Program forum for best response. Good luck, you've received some good advice here.

Why are you continuing with a non-nursing degree instead of just moving into a BSN? Seems like a waste of time and money. Also, having a previous degree may exclude you from funding opportunities. Just curious.

FYI - nursing is not just about 'tasks'. all of the things you listed can be done by LVNs & some by CNAs in TX. Nursing is a 'knowledge based' profession with enormous responsibility. This is not usually apparent if you're looking in from the outside - and can be a very unpleasant 'reality shock' for many new grads.

Hey, I am continuing with my non-nursing degree for a two reasons. 1: I am one class away from graduating and 2: I always finish what I start......... it's not a waste of time and money from my perspective. Trust me I know what nursing is all about; I am not a nurse but I spent 5 days a week shadowing nurses at my job.

PCT's duties and responsibilities vary per state. In NYC, we are not allowed to do the tasks I listed.

Did somebody tell you you had to finish your first bachelor's before you could go to nursing school??? Not true. Get over to Hunter or NYU or someplace and transfer stat!

No, it is a personal choice. I want to finish what I started before moving into something else.

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