NYU Accelerated Nursing Program

U.S.A. New York


Is anybody here applying for the NYU accelerated Nursing program for Spring 2014????

Hi Dove01,

Based on what I read in previous threads, relevant experience seems to be weighed more here compared to other schools. In that matter, I think you have a great shot and your GPA is not bad either. Do you mind sharing what your experiences are exactly?

Good luck!

Thank you!! I hope so :)

I started volunteering in the emergency department at a hospital when I was 15. I did that for about 2 years and then was accepted to an internship as a CNA when I was 18. I worked with transplant patients and I loved it! I had to quit because I moved away for school but then I got into a shadowing nurses program when I was 21. I did that for a couple of months.. (I'm now 22)

Specializes in med-surg.

Hi guys,

I actually will be an accelerated BSN student at NYU in about 3 weeks so I figure I'd come back onto the forum that gave me a lot of help while I was applying last year! I think that compared to a lot of other nursing schools out there, NYU looks at more than just GPA (obviously still important but not as huge a factor as it appears to be for other schools). I had a 3.45 overall GPA (3.7 prereqs) in my first bachelor's and worked full time for 1.5 years in the ER as a medical scribe through Scribe America. My old anatomy/physiology professor from my first B.S. wrote me a recommendation letter, as did a physician I worked with while I was a scribe, and my manager from work.

Hey guys,

I'm currently in my third semester in the accelerated program at NYU. Its really a great program. Figured I'm stop into some forums to respond to any unanswered questions. You all have great credentials. The admissions committee does look at gpa as does all school however personal statement and each applicant is reviewed individually. My cohort is made up of a variety of differents with overall gpas from 3 2-3.8 (from my knowledge). The number doesn't always predit you success in the program. They do however look at yout pre reqs. These are classes that you need in order to understand the material in each course. So do well (still no need to stress if you don't get all A's) and focus on writing a great personal statement. Really sell yourself. And just know what whatever is meant to be will happen. Two years ago I was rejected from Stonybrook and Hunter college. I applied again that spring to Hunter, NYU and Columbia and got accepted to them all. Never give up on a dream! Let me know if you guys have anymore questions. Good luck!

I am curious to hear some of your feedback if you are available

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