Published Sep 30, 2014
3 Posts
Is anyone taking the exam for the year 2015-2016 lpn cnet for brooklyn and manhattan adult center did you guys register?
itz_klove, BSN, CNA, LPN, RN
42 Posts
Yes, Ive registered last friday. $45
EvaMilly87, ADN, BSN
115 Posts
I've also registered, I'm scheduled to take the exam on Nov. 21. I have the RN NLN Book, I was wondering if I can study with that. Wish you all good luck!
My exam date is Nov 9. I am currently studying the GED book, that Ive picked up from my local library in Queens Ny
Overall, im studying reading comprehension, and Math
Hello Ladies Ive fount some information regarding the C net exam
This is a copy and paste message from a previous allnurse post. Hope this helps
CNET is 3 sections Reading, math and Language, good thing you order the book! The Study guide is going to be just like the test you are going to take, i hope you brought 2 -3 study books. When you do the study guide TIME YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!! so when you take the test that day you are ahead of everyone!!! especially with the math! TIME YOURSELF! TAKE ONLY 1 HOUR TO DO ALL THE PROBLEMS. The math is adding and subtracting 3-4 digit numbers , multiplying 3-4 digit numbers and dividing and other basic math! The key is time! SO PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO TAKE THE TEST AND DO VERY WELL TIME YOURSELF BEFORE YOU TAKE THE TEST. When i took the math section i was the first one to finish since i had prepared myself. Reading is just basic reading. you will read a 5 paragraph story and answer the multiple choice questions(6 questions for each story) . I believe its 3-4 stories. Language ,you need to know what the synonyms and antonyms of some words and spelling of some words also ............. So this is the CNET TEST! LIKE I SAID BEFORE PLEASE TIME YOURSELF BEFORE TAKING THE TEST AND ORDER THOSE STUDY GUIDESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. THEY HELP!!!!
You will get your results saying if you pass or fail and then they will notify you if you qualify for the other test which is the TABE A . oh yeah! and passing is 40% percentile on reading, 40% on math and 40& on language and overall 40%
For the person who brought the NET study guide, CNET and NET are two different test i believe, i think you should really order the CNET study guide................HINT HINT! THE CNET STUDY GUIDE IS THE SAME TEST YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE IN THE SPRING. SO PLEASE USE THOSE RESOURCES
5 Posts
I've also registered for nov 21 for the exam. I'm only studying from some GED books in the library. I've been out of school for more than 12 years, so I found myself having a hard time studying. Does anyone know what kind of vocabulary we should be studying?
Ive read once that we should be studying synonyms and antonyms for the literacy section of the exam
Ive got this directly from the CNet website
The Pre-Nursing Assessment Test-PN consists of 150 items and requires three hours to complete. The three major areas of the test are:
Reading Comprehension/Reasoning Ability – 40 Questions (1 hour)
The content and reading level of exam passages are similar to the applied-science passages found in PN textbooks. Topics of the passages include nutrition, infection, safety, child abuse, exercise, etc. There are two diagnostic scores:
1. Reading comprehension–20 items.
2. Reasoning ability–20 items.
Numerical Ability – 50 questions (1 Hour)
There are three diagnostic scores:
1. Basic operations with whole numbers
(add, subtract, multiply, divide)–10 items.
2. Fractions, percents, decimals
(basic operations plus conversions of fractions to decimals & vice versa)–20 items.
3. Applying skills in actual situations
(ratio and proportion, non-algebraic formulas and conversions)–20 items.
Language Ability – 60 questions (1 Hours)
The questions involve common terms that are used frequently in nursing practice. There are three diagnostic scores:
1. Vocabulary – 20 items.
2. Spelling – 20 items.
3. Grammar and usage (sentence correction)–20 items.
64 Posts
I have registered and my test is on Nov 7th I got the study guide and hopefully it will help a lot
Thanks itz_klove for the information.
I wished I have gotten the study guide from cnet, but I can't afford it since I've been unemployed for a very long time. I hope the books I got from the library helps. For people that have already taken the exam, please comment how did it go for you.
Does anyone know when classes would start if we were to get accepted?
I Believe it's
Next year Sept 2015