Published Jan 13, 2016
Hi there! Anyone else applying for the Fall semester at NWFSC? I am about to take the first attempt for the hesi and I am little nervous! How are your scores looking so far?
56 Posts
I understand that. The drive isn't so bad though. From Fall 2014 to Fall 2015 I drove to uwf everyday. I was working on a BS before I decided to try for the nursing program. I put all my eggs in the NWFSC basket too, so if I don't get in, I'll be back to driving there again this summer.
For coreqs, I need Nutrition and Microbiology, and I'll be done with those. I registered for them last night. Since you're in Crestview, maybe we can help each other study when the time comes. Do you plan to do RN to BSN?
13 Posts
If I don't get into the nursing program at NWFSC, I am going to attempt to get into the accelerated BSN program that is starting in the summer of 2017 at UWF. It will have me finishing my Bachelors degree just 5 months after I would have graduated from the ASN program at NWFSC. Nutrition is really easy if you take it online, but Microbiology is pretty tough. I had an awesome professor for micro so I managed to get an A, but I definitely had to work for it. Who is your professor for micro?
If we both get in then I would definitely be up for a study buddy. I haven't decided if I am going to do the RN to BSN online through UWF, or the RN to MSN online through UCF.
Hey! My micro professor is Hunt. I l'm not familiar with her yet. I'm also taking nutrition online. I think it'll go ok, especially since it'll only be those two.
So, our points are posted. Did they have you're right? Mine were. Now I'm just counting down the days until we find out the verdict.
26 Posts
I applied to the fall 2016 nursing program at nwfsc! This is really my only option as fingers crossed for us all. I wish they could tell us how many people applied or what a competitive score would be...but I guess those are irrelevant details at this point anyway. I'm just so nervous!!!!!! This has been a long road, but we only have a few days left!!! AHhh!
Hi. I know what you mean. Since this point system is new this year, there's no way to ask anyone from earlier classes. But, at least it's Tuesday night now, and we should know something Friday. I think, but I definitely don't know for sure, that there are 52 slots. I have no idea how many ppl applied, but an advisor told me tha they gets so many that only a small percentage get it. That's all pretty subjective though; no concrete numbers.
Goid luck to everyone!
Has anyone heard anything??! I didn't hear anything Friday or today...I'm so nervous and excited!!
I haven't heard anything either. The anticipation is killing me. I'm trying to resist the urge to call and ask if we'll find out today.
Thank god I'm not alone!!! I just need an answer I am dying!!!!!!!!!!
The longer it takes, the more worried I get that I didn't make the cut. I actually had a dream last night that I was one point away from the cutoff. í ½í¸
Exactly I feel so sick to my stomach. I wish they would just let us know SOMETHING
I think we're not going to find out today. It's already after 4pm. Maybe they had unforeseen issue that hindered them in getting the messages out today.
Yeah I think you're right. I know they are busy and the office closes at 430. Fingers crossed for tomorrow...I wish you the best of luck!!!!!!!!!!