NVCC MEC nursing fall '17

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all,

i submitted my app for the fall nursing program a week and a half ago so I figured I'd start a forum for all the NVCC MEC nursing applicants to communicate with each other while we anxiously wait for our faith. If anyone in the program or have graduated from the program would like to give some advice, please do!

Yaaaaaay! I thought it May be you. :) we are totally gonna get in. No worries on that, positive thinking! He said a month after the close date is typical, but if they we're m the ball and got stuff out earlier that we would hear back sooner and that was his guess on the date which is exciting! Orientation is in June apparently too.

I for suuuure hope so! I had finally quelled my nerves and finding out this information has definitely made them resurface lol. It's just weird because I feel like everywhere besides the counselors are like "we have no information on orientation or accepted dates nor will we be giving out any information on those" but the counselors just give it out willy nilly lol. I hope that orientation isn't mid-June because I'm going out of the country :o

I know. Every counselor will tell you something diff. But a friend talked to the same one as me and he told her the same thing so one can hope. I imagine e it's be late June? I have no idea though.

I have only received a confirmation of application processing. I'm guessing I'm gonna have to wait until sometime mid-late june for the results, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Cumulative GPA was 3.26, prereq GPA was a bit higher at 3.62, and science classes only gpa at 3.5. TEAS V scores were raw 95.2% Reading, 96.7% Math, 86.7% English and Language Usage. Percentiles for the program were 99 reading, 99 math, and 96 program.

WHY I kill myself by looking at the courses for fall HAHA I see two LEC classes for nursing and it is a total of 67 spots, so LESS than Last year which was about 70 I believe. There does however seem to be a total of 51 nursing home spots for clinicals, with two 30 student clinical rotation classes, all of which run from Aug to Dec. Theorectically with the other two rotations, thatd add 60 spots bec I donk think we have more than one clinical day a week. (Exciting unless they only end up with the two lecture spots with the 67 spots bahaha.

Based off the fall 2015 class, they found out about a month after the application deadline so for us, that'll be around June 8th! I know the one counselor I spoke to said June 2nd this year but im not holding my breath, that'd be awesome though!

SO! Distraction time....

What area of Nursing are you all interested in? I have worked in a Hospital in several areas. My favorite is and has always been L and D. I also love the NICU. My twins were in the NICU for two weeks, so that experience was really eye opening and amazing. I am pretty baby obsessed so I feel that's my calling and where I am meant to be. I do love the fast paced nature of ER though. Keeps ya on your toes! í ½í¸

Hi all,

I figured I'd share the tidbits of information that I have...I'm not sure what they currently have in sis but the last counselor I spoke with at the MEC said they have over 100 spots this year. They secured more clinicals in response to the overwhelming amount of applications and well qualified applicants they turned away in the past few cohorts. So perhaps what's listed isn't the most up to date? I'm am curious if they are firm on the course sequence that you follow after you're excepted. I completed all the corequisite courses and would love to press ahead if possible. I'm interested in perioperative nursing but honestly i'm just excited to get my feet wet.

Yeah! I figured with the two 30 spot clinical classes that there must be 111 spots, assuming we all rotate as needed, which would make sense as there's 50 some nursing home spots and 60 clinical rotation spots for Peds and the other class (it's just classified as tech) so maybe they have yet to secure the other lecture spots or who will teach them as of yet. I really do hope that's the case í ½í¸

Hi ViviennesHeart - to answer your question, there is like basically no autonomy on the NUR classes. I had the same questions since I only have two more coreqs left, but each class is offered only in one semester. Obviously this is aside from the online program, but we can't take any of the classes online. So even if we have all of the coreqs done, we won't be able to speed up the process because we can only take those classes fall/spring and they ahve to be taken in order. :(

OMG Tania you really scared me with your first message about there being less spaces hahah... i feel like we'll really never know for sure until they release the information at the MEC homepage. I hope everyone gets in though!

I feel like I might really be interested in being in the ER. I like a fast paced environment, and I think I could handle the trauma and stuff that comes in! My aunt was a nurse in an ER for a few years when she started and she said it was the worst experience of her life but it was only because she didn't feel like she was emotionally equipped to handle all of that surprising death every day.

I took a test on discovernursing.com to tell you what areas of nursing you might be suited for (obviously take these results with a grain of salt) , and my top match was a Domestic Violence Nurse. I think I could be very passionate about that job, and I really would want to help people who have experienced emotional as well as physical traumas.

Lol Victor, I totally didn't understand the number of clinical to lecture spots but you're right it probably is it's own entity and they tweak as necessary. I imagine they have to get teachers to agree to open up some classes too. I only have pharmacology left to take, and I want to take it this fall, and it's offered but they say you can only take it in spring. We shall see!

Yeah I heard about that too, that once we get in the program we can't get ahead of the coreqs at all. I only have the second psych class and pharmacology left so I guess Spring Semester I'll have a full course load!

ViviennesHeart I havent looked into perioperative nursing! That sounds interesting :)

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