Published Dec 22, 2012
27 Posts
I have been following a lot of topics here on and decided to share my experience hoping it might help others, since a lot of people who posted helped me out. This is my first time posting. :)
I'm a March 2012 BSN Nursing Graduate from the Philippines. I also do not have a local RN license from the Philippines. I was born in California and went to school here until middle school. I took up my High School and College education in the Philippines.
In July-August I applied for NCLEX in California and got denied due to the concurrency issue. The evaluator told me that if I wanted to take the NCLEX I needed to take the MS and OB course over again, theory and clinical. I was really depressed and stressed out because of that since all of my relatives and friends are here, but decided that I might as well get over it and apply somewhere else. So I settled for Nevada.
Here are all the things I did:
1. Applied for CGFNS/CES professional report on 11/26 - I applied online, and paid using a credit card. CES report is ($335), but I chose the Expedited Service so I paid ($485) instead.
2. Contacted the school I graduated from - I filled out the form provided by CGFNS and asked my school to fill out the rest and send my transcripts over to CGFNS.
3. English Proficiency Exam - I registered for the TOEFL exam on 11/26 and took it on 12/1 in Las Vegas. Got my results on 12/10 (?). I paid ($180).
4. Fingerprinting - I had my Livescan fingerprinting done in Las Vegas on 11/29 for ($60).
5. Sent application to NV-BON - I attached a money order of ($100) along with my application, and proof of my livescan fingerprinting.
6. CES Sent - CGFNS e-mailed me that my CES was completed and sent to the NV-BON.
I haven't registered for pearson vue yet though, gonna wait until I'm sure that I'm eligible to take the NCLEX.
Now I'm praying and waiting! Hopefully this can help someone. I'll update once I get news on my application. It sucks that my CES was sent out on a Friday. Don't know when it'll get to the BON.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Usually CGFNS send out reports electronically so they should already have it
3 Posts
I wish you nothing but success with this.
We are both in the same situation... Born in california too but I just went to college there in the philippines. Just wondering... Why did you have to take the TOEFL when in fact you're a US citizen and already a native English speaker?
471 Posts
It is required for us international educated nurses to take IELTS/TOEFL because we finished out nursing degree in a country which English is not a primary language.It's not because you're a US citizen or fluent in English doesn't mean you're exempted on that requirement.Good luck:)
24 Posts
I would also like to apply in Nevada, but can I take the TOEFL exam here in California and just endorse it to Nevada? About the livescan fingerprint, I already took my fingerprints here in California. Would I have to take it again IN NEVADA? How does this work? Can I apply for license in Nevada without actually going there?
Hi :) dont worry nv bon is way more considerate than ca. I graduated 2010 in the phils passed my nclex 2011 in ny and this 2012 i tried to endorse it in ca but with no luck! I moved to nv and got my first job:) inonly had to wait 2 weeks for nevada ro process my license compared to ca which i waited for 6 mos and git denied! Well goodluck:)
1,882 Posts
Everyone applying into NV, you will NEED your local license starting in Jan., 2013!! Get in your applications quickly. No one knows yet if the NV BON will accept the reasoning if one is a USC and unable to get a PH local license due to the PH rules due to citizenship.
NV is tightening their application process due to the big flood of foreign applicants (from the CA side of denied applicants), BUT also realize that the same time, NV has been enforcing the concurrency rules earlier this year.
Click to this link about the local license:
Good luck to all!
Yeaaa, congrats, maybe we'll start seeing more PH grads getting the desired hopital jobs soon! Good going there!
Thank you :)
What dragon_lady said is true. :) I was thinking that since most of the lessons I had in my school were in English it would be okay, but apparently not. So I just took the TOEFL. :)
I'm not really sure if you can take the TOEFL exam here in California, because I chose to take it in Las Vegas just to be sure. And yes, you have to do your fingerprinting again in Nevada and have it sent to the Nevada Board of Nursing.