Nuvaring Question


I'm on the nuvaring. When I first got on it, I was taking antibiotics while I first got on the nuvaring and it took 10 days to lose affect after I took the last antibiotic. Well, I waited 10 days and then I even waited another week after the 10 days just to be safe. Well this past Sunday was 10 days and a week. I had to take the Ring out on Tuesday for my 7 days for my period, which I did. It's Thursday right now, my question is, am I safe right now since I waited a week after the 10 days? And am I safe right now since I don't have the nuvaring in for my 7 days? Thank you!

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Per TOS, we cannot give medical advice. Your question is best answered by the care provider who prescribed it.

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As state above, we cannot per the Terms of Service (TOS) offer medical advice. You need to contact your healthcare provider and pose these questions/concerns to him/her. We wish you well.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

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MMJ is right we do not offer medcial advice as per the Terms of Service...Please call your PCP...thread closed.

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