Nursing without the "yukkies".

Nurses General Nursing


I am still a student in nursing and probably will slide over to become a Physicians Assistant eventually. What fears me most is dealing with bodily fluids. Is ALL nursing involved in puke, crap, piss and anything else I forgot to mention? What area is less lieky to deal with grossness and which area in the hospital is more prone to grossness. I've been nicknamed Mr. Clean all my life cause I am a 'clean freak'. Can't stand germs. Please direct me to where I need to go.

Ya know, I thought I was going to die my first day of real clinicals, when the nurse told me my patient was "incontinent of bowel". I really believed I would freak out if I had to clean that up. Guess what, when the time came, I just did it, and that was it. Are you sure you can't handle that "stuff", because while I am sure there are things that I would rather not do, but once you're in there, and someone needs you, its not a big deal. You're gonna be a nurse, and while most people I know aren't getting into the field because it was a "calling", everyone I am going to school with genuinely wants to help people. Every one of them when the time came saw their patient as a person, not a pooping machine. If you haven't had any patient contact yet, I would wait to reserve judgement on what your limits are, because you really don't know until you are there. Now on the other hand, if you have been to clinicals, and the stuff really makes you crazy, then you should reconsider your path. From what I hear the whole first year of nursing school is mostly diaherrea and vomit, so even if you do discover an avenue in nursing thats "clean", school won't be. And to be honest with you, even though many people are frusterated with the question of a cleaner part of nursing, you haven't asked a question that most people I know haven't asked.

Hey, I have a question for the original poster. He is concerned about "puke, crap, and piss". Well how about snot? Do you find snot gross? I do. I find snot extremely gross, in the chunky form, the runny form, the sticky form and especially the luggie form. I got over my "fear of snot" hopefully you can get over your fear of puke piss and crap!! Have a delightful clean day!!:)

why in the world did you come into nursing? did you have blinders on when you registered to become a nurse? nursing is nursing, sometimes it requires handling body fluids. i don't care what field you work in you will come in contact with fluids somewhere at some time. even psychiatry has times where patients get nauseous or are incontinent. if you're about to graduate the message should have sunk in by now. for heaven's sake-------------------lauren

why is it that folks are trying to find an easy way into nursing (healthcare) dealing with body fluids, poop, pus ect. are not the worst things in the world to deal with. this job or should i say profession is just what its name says. NURSING.......and nursings means caring for the needs of someone, others, self etc. so if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. all those thing are part of the profession and there is no way around it, except to advoid it all together. :rolleyes:

Daaaaaaaaaamn .. haha. I think people's are really beginning to come outta their skin here with these crazy posts.

skybirdrisingI'm gonna say pretty much what everyone else has said only in my own words: I'm not going to criticize what you said because I have a feeling it was just a totally honest question and you're just wondering what the hell you got yourself into, heh.

It's not about the puke, the snot, the piss, the blood, the whatever .. it's about helping others out. Look at the core value of anything nurse-related. Whether you're a CNA, a CMA, an LPN, an RN, a whatever. Whatever title you hold. You're core value is the aid or patients. You are helping them out.

Personally, this is THE absolute reason I want to go into this field. I live my life to help others. The smile, the thank you .. and even if I don't get THAT .. the SATISFACTION of knowing I just went outta my way to help someone else.

Try and think about THAT rather than how grossed out you are with the quirks. Alrighty? :)

And on a lighter note .. that was a really heartfelt post. I just re-read that. Wow. I'm so friggin' inspirational! I LOVE IT! YES! :roll

Nothing really bothers me... When something somewhat disgusting comes about I always put in my head "What if this was my child, or what if this was my grandmother???" I would want the healthcare providers to be strong in their skills and be able to look beyond the body fluids to the person within...

Amen. :) Very good point, CallaRN.

Specializes in All Surgical Specialties.

So you're saying....If your family members are farting and puking and pissing and pooping and snotting all over the place, you are out the door? Consider what you might be doing as things you would want done on your own mother's or even your own behalf.

It doesn't sound quite as bad now does it? Get over all the bodily substance stuff and focus on the caring! You can do just about anything if you look at the BIG picture and put it all in the proper perspective. In addition to seeking another line of work does someone need to just GROW UP?:confused:


Sounds to me like skybirdrising was simply asking an honest question. Yes, the obvious is a given .. why should this person so-choose this career if he/she ended up not liking it. Perhaps skybirdrising was simply testing the waters to see what it would be like. Now he/she may be re-thinking the options and realizing that it's not for him/her. Perhaps people should lay off for a little bit, thanks. Enough's enough. =/

skybirdrising, there are in fact other avenues of employment you could possibly seek still within the medical field. I know two different nurses, personally, who have went into the Insurance field because of their backgrounds with school and they have simply taken a few insurance courses and are now in that field. I don't know if that'd be something of interest to you or not. If not insurance, you can surely get in with some sort of office position like claims, reports, or even the person that take the calls from the insurance people when they call the hospitals for certain verification and information (can't remember their titles, heh).

This may have helped you. It may have been completely useless, ha! But I tried. Though I must say .. I would definitely NOT be treading the path towards a Physicians Asst. if you're not diggin' the dirt you're seein' now. Ya know? Good luck, friend!

Specializes in Neuro Critical Care.

One of my favorite nursing moments was when a resident (first year) came running down the hall looking for me because the patient was puking. Hello???? Didn't give her a basin or anything. Not much respect for those doctors!

I'm pretty sure the hospital is not a great place to be if you don't like germs. Please, I wash my hands before I go to the bathroom because I may have touched a curtain or blanket. I wouldn't imagine a physician's office to be much better but maybe. You might want to rethink your life plan. :p

I'm not worried about the yukkies, BUT, I was watching ER last night and had a hard time watching that woman burning! I had to turn away from the TV when they first showed her all burnt in the parking lot. I was able to watch later when they showed her in the hospital. So now I'm wondering? Am I cut out for nursing? This is the first time I've second guessed my decision to pursue nursing.

So whaddaya all think?

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