Nursing Student Photo - WIN $250! Nurses Week Contest 2018

Nursing Students General Students



May 8th is National Student Nurses Day and it's your time to shine! Celebrate the fact that you are the future of nursing with this awesome Caption Contest sponsored by Kaplan Test Prep. Don't overthink it but come up with a caption for the photo above by commenting below and you're entered to win one of two $250 gift cards as the grand prizes.

Fear not though, nursing students, if you don't win one of the two grand prizes you're still eligible for one of our two amazing runner-up prize packs containing everything shown in the photo below and more!


What are you waiting for? Shower us with photo captions in the comments below and y ou could be on your way to winning!

There are more contests, too...

Have fun, thanks to all of the nursing students across the country and Happy National Student Nurses Day!!!

National Nurses Week Celebration

30 Days of Celebration / 8 Days of Giveaways

UPDATED May 17 ... and the winner is...

As promised, the winners are posted below. Thanks for all of the awesome and creative entries!!! Feel free to share!



Now both of these meds help with antipsychosis..but which will get you the safest fastest outcome for all of us?

Student: law school?!

Dont ever ever let a DR intimidate you or put you down, you deserve just as much respect, if they don't give it..make them. They Will!

Student Nurse: "Yeah yeah, got it!"

Which orange is the most orange?

This pill is for the cranky patients and this one is for the happy patients, just make sure you don't mix them up!

Nursing school... when the first answer was correct but the second is better.

That's one for you, one for me, and one for the patient. Geritol for all!

Student thinks to self: Is it too late to back out now?

Wish one of these was truth serum, then we could get all the answers to the test.

Here is an example of the 3.9% of male nurses in your future work place.... :)

Instructor: "Remember if your syringe has to much air you could kill someone, okay get in groups of three to administer a shot to eachother. "

Students: we all going to die..

"Be a nurse, mom said, it will be great she said. Why did I listen I should have become a exotic dancer instead"..

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