Published Feb 23, 2015
9 Posts
Hello Everyone,
I am currently in my 2nd year of nursing(BSN) school at D'Youville College in Buffalo NY. I am currently seeking to transfer somewhere close to home (Massachusetts) because I am really unhappy living in Buffalo, I feel like this feeling is affecting my academics. My question is, is it realistic to transfer with a 2.6 gpa to another nursing program and if I can, do you guys know of any schools that would accept me?
please help, I am so desperate to the point of dropping out and just going home.
268 Posts
First of all, are you in the second year of the actual BSN program? Or are you in the second year of your pre-reqs prior to the program? Clarifying this would help us.
If you're in your second year of the actual nursing program (you'll be taking mother-baby or med-surge 2 type classes), then it makes absolutely no sense to transfer. When you transfer out of a program, you must start completely fresh at the new school, putting you years behind.
However, your GPA indicates you're still working on your pre-reqs (classes such as A&P, microbiology, statistics, etc). If this is the case, you are much more free to transfer schools, as you are not currently in an actual nursing program. You just simply apply at other universities closer to home.
All that being said, in an effort to be clear and concise, your 2.6 GPA is too low to get you into nursing programs. Most programs require a minimum GPA of 3.0, but rarely even bother with anything under a 3.5 because of the influx of students.
The thing you should be most worried about is not whether or not programs will accept you, because at this point, they won't. Your focus should shift to improving your grades drastically. If that requires a move to a happier location for you, then by all means, hit the road. Once you're in a better place, you need to retake any classes in which you got D's and C's in order to boost your GPA north of 3.0. At that point, you can begin searching for new nursing programs to apply for.
Thanks so much for replying,
But yes I am in my 2nd year of the actual BSN program, and I guess if I have to start as a freshmen at another school, then yes I am willing to do it. My only problem is that my gpa is at a 2.6 and I want to know if me being in a nursing program will give me some sort of advantage when applying to another nursing program.
203bravo, MSN, APRN
1,212 Posts
Your general education courses should transfer with little problems.. you will find that actual nursing classes normally don't transfer as most programs are set up differently and offer materials in different order and/or different courses...
Typical BSN programs are set up so that you do your general education courses the first two years and then the nurses courses the last two (or 2 1/2) years... If you haven't made it to the actual nursing courses yet, you should have no trouble transferring as ThatBigGuy pointed out..
110 Posts
I would give the schools a call that you are looking into. It wouldn't hurt to find out what might transfer.