Published May 12, 2014
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
Nursing students will all agree..... They are short on time, sleep, and money. They have to pool what little resources they have when they get the chance to take a break to get recharged. What are some things you do to maximize your meager resources?
la_chica_suerte85, BSN, RN
1,260 Posts
I take pleasure in the absolute simple things as well as the things I enjoyed so much before nursing school started -- TV. I love my stories. My gf and I have several shows we keep up with throughout the year and it is a great time to relax, unwind and enjoy contemplating the fate of the protagonists on our favorite shows. That's about all I got for now and it works.
15 Posts
I've learned to coupon!!! Its the best thing ever. I really don't have time to actually clip the coupons, so my lovely boyfriend clips them and I organize them. While I am on a little break from school, I plan on stocking up so next semester won't hurt me as bad financially this semester.
36 Posts
Great ideas.... Thanks guys
A&Ox6, MSN, RN
1 Article; 572 Posts
Babysit in the evenings for families that give me their left overs. Two evenings a week can become a week of dinners.
Of course, studying in Starbucks with my refills also is a saver. The trick is to buy a tall (smallest size, about 1.75) black coffee and ask for a venti cup of ice. Add some milk, sweetener... and you have a great iced coffee for less than half the price. Free refill on the coffee, and you save even more
vintagemother, BSN, CNA, LVN, RN
2,717 Posts
$3 wine at trader joes. TV date nights as the OP said. Home cooked meals for date nights in.
Eat costcos $1.50 hotdogs or Taco Bell burritos with the girls.
Give myself a pedicure at home with designs!
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
I can't resist: it's "espresso", not "expresso" :)
Funny caption!
I just love reading these cartoons and imagining what'll happen the day I'm in this boat.
Thankfully I'm a total bird brain, and love going out and bird watching. As long as I can get myself outside it's little to no expense. Well....considering all the expensive things have been taken care of over the years (binoculars and a camerea ). AND it's something that can be done local. Cheap AND close to home! Yay!
24 Posts
Drive to a nearby hotel or state landmark, and look for those kiosks that have all the brochures for travelers visiting. There are always a TON of things in your local area that you probably didn't even know about, and they're usually pretty cheap...also visiting places you would expect an elementary school to go on a field trip to...e.g. the zoo, or state capital or other govt landmarks. Govt places are generally free admission, and it can be a fun day trip, and places a school would field trip to are generally cheap (a school wouldn't bring 60+ kids someplace where admission is $40 bucks a head). This is what my wife and I did all through nursing school, and still do today just for cheap fun:)