Nursing Student Divorce Rate?

Nursing Students General Students


I sent this to another forum but I think actual students would be helpful. I will be starting Nursing in the Fall of 2006.

I just read a post that said that around half of the married students divorced during nursing school. I had another lady say that their was alot of divorces during nursing school due to stress.

My question is has everyone found this to be true? I am happily married now with two children. If this is true what suggestions do you have to help you through it.

God Bless,

Mary Ann

Specializes in Certified Nursing Assistant.

wow!!!! i am married and i am really worried about how school will effect my marriage, but after reading this, i feel much better. thanks!!!!

Specializes in ICU.

I think that putting your family first is the key to keeping your marriage together. Yes, your grades might reflect C's, still have your marriage once school is over and I know several people whose grades are C's and all they do is study! You won't be able to make EVERY family function (that's where sacrifice comes in) but you should put your kids to bed properly then study. Take Saturday and spend all day with the family and study all night or vice versa. Get up and hit the library for about four or five hours and then spend the rest of the day with the fam. You just have to decide what's more important. I would rather graduate nursing school with my husband and children rooting for me than valedictorian with no one there. Just my .02

Specializes in Home Health, Case Management, OR.

I guess I am lucky my husband to be (in April) gleams with pride when I work my butt off for something, such as good grades! He realizes that I will be busy and he is not too demanding, cook for him and he's a happy man and I did catch him doing his own laundry and cleaning! We also have no children so I think that really lessens the stress of keeping everyone happy during NS. I see us having our issues with the financial aspect of attending NS. Two years of picking up overtime is going to tire him out badly, though he swears up and down that it will be worth it in the end. He won't divorce me because he will be the one who gets to take a break from working so much after I graduate and enjoy ME being the breadwinner and spending MY money haha!!

Well if there is such a statistic I may be part of it. I am in nursing school and my marriage is suffering greatly!!! I have been married 5 years he told me in the beginning he would support me while furthering my education. I am currently a Medical Assistant and thought that becoming a nurse would take 2 years...WRONG. I went to a business school for MA and the credits wouldn't transfer, so I had to take alllll of the pre-req's over again while working full time. Once I got into the actual program (after an 8 month wait) I failed a semester and had to wait another year to re-enter. Long story has taken me 6 years and I only have 4 months of school to go. My husband is fed up with the whole thing and is hardly being supportive, I would say he actually jealous of my school if that makes any sense at all. I feel like I put him first but I'm not going to give up on school. I do feel very bad for him, because I have to study alot and between school, work and clinicals I never go out and we barely get to spend QT. When I have a minute it usually goes to him but I need time to come down too ya know. I suffer and sacrifice greatly and I feel he is being very selfish. He had a good understanding what this would be like before I started. I want to go out and be carefree just as much as he wants me to be but I am not able to do so now and apparently he can't accept it. So obviously this has been a difficult time in our entire marriage. And agreeing with Spidey's mom this is not the hardest thing our marriage will have to sustain and it worries me. Wow I just spilled my very personal feelings out to all of you! But I guess I know you kind of 'get it'

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