Nursing Student admits online doing Ectasy and encouraging another how to do it .

Nursing Students General Students


I am SHOCKED by this nursing student's response to someone asking how to do illegal drugs on Yahoo Answers website. What sort of nursing student (A student about to graduate) would say these things? She could kill someone and she is going against the Nursing Code of Ethics. Is there anything to stop people like this? This totally shocked me. The Nursing Student answered the following question and both question and answer are as below:;_ylt=Arb8BTtHKMN8bu_2.o3KRsPty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090403022132AAC0gMY&show=7#profile-info-65ghSnbPaa

Ecstasy experts I need some help?

Ok so I smoke pot allot and last night I tried ex for the first time and im not gonna lie I liked it. So I was wondering how long should I wait in between usage? And also ive heard stuff like drink lots of water, get vitamin C and E, take some type of tablet that you can buy from the store, it makes serotonin for your body.....Is this true? What should I do so it doesn't do AS MUCH damage to me (besides stopping you smart asses)? And also what helps so the come down isn't that bad? And what kind of ex should I really look out for? Please give lots of info?

(And for all the people who don't approve, or think its stupid, who cares?!? You can all just screw off just like your opinions and thoughts. I could care less what you think :)


I have done ecstasy at least 13 time within the past year and I think that at least once a month is ok... I am almost graduating from a nursing school with an A average. I have had a CAT/brain scan and eveything is completely normal. I feel that if you space your rolls that you will get high easier without a tolerance and that it is safer for you body... When you space them your body has time to readjust and get hydrated and all of the vitamins that you need back into your system... I wouldn't recommend more than 3 pills in one night. I have probably taken 26 pills in the last year, and like i said A average with no side effects. Do like you have been told or ask your dealer for good advice... Oh, and listen to techno ; ) drink water but don' gulp it down! Your intracranial cavity can retain water if you do gulp... Be safe and just pay attention to your body... Stay happy with your roll... and dont be stressed when you take it! Hope this helped :)

No worries. You know, what that person did is equivalent to getting your caller id and finding out where the zip code and then prefix are located. They can't trace it to YOU.

They can only track the IP to the last switch it hits. Sometimes the switch is close and sometimes far away. There is no way for the to tell what house it is in.

As to the people that could find out who you are? Nothing you do can stop them. Shrug.

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