Our nursing home has 42 residents. My ADON and myself are always available to help the nurses. We just ask them to let us know when they need help. Many times we offer. The staffing is 2 day nurses, 2 evening nurses, and one night nurse plus a sufficient supply of aides. They always complain that they don't have enough time to do their jobs. I think they are lucky to have the staffing they do. I took over the DON position one year ago. I know some of the older nurses are not willing to be involved in a "team environment". The old DON has been working as a staff nurse. I don't have these issues with the aides. They are great. We are working on "team building"and things to help improve their moral. I don't micro manage and encourage and initiate their ideas. Any ideas? How's your staff if you are a home similar to our size. Thanks for your input.