4.0 in nursing school?

Nursing Students General Students


I was just wondering if it's possible to complete nursing school with a 4.0. Has anyone done it? I've read many times that in nursing school you usually drop a grade level... A students become B students.

I'm pretty worried about this. I'm disappointed with any grade less than 100. I know it sounds crazy, but it's not something I can control. I know I would be devastated if I made a B. So far throughout my prereqs I've been able to keep a 4.0 and many of my final grades have been 100. (not just the easy classes) I have to study ALL the time though.

So is there anyone else out there like me? Did you make it though nursing school without having a breakdown?:nailbiting:

Due to the grading scale at my nursing school, you literally would have to have 100% on everything to get a 4.0. I currently have a 3.93; I think I only have less than a 90% on a test once, but I do have to ask myself at what cost. Nobody is perfect, and I am really working on just letting go of things. Also, with only 9 months left, I am pretty burnt out and pushing as hard as I can is just not possible anymore. I have also found that I have learned the most when I have not gotten the question right. Also, nursing tests are a whole different creature all together, and while all of the answers might be correct, you must decide on which answer is the most correct. I agree with finding a balance; so make sure you also have some fun while there, learn what you can, learn from your mistakes, and keep your head up!

I maintained a 4.0 for all 4 quarters in school. However, I didn't receive a 100% on every test. At my school, anything 94% is considered an A. Just focus on passing. Don't drive yourself crazy.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Nursing school is, as everyone's stated, very different from any other class you've taken. I earned As and A- in everything except for one class, where I earned a B+ because of one exam I bombed when I was VERY ill. My nursing school GPA was 3.85, though my overall is still 3.45, because I didn't take as much care into my GPA when I was younger. I've had to work hard to overcome the lower grades from before, and my grades have been As in general ed and prereqs since then (and then as stated above in nursing school). I do know some classmates maintained a 4.0, but don't beat yourself up if you aren't absolutely perfect. I agree that this level of perfectionism will eat you alive over time, and it would be good to speak with a professional about it.

Good luck!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

As others have said, extreme perfection can be pathological. And focusing too much on your grades can hinder your learning and your clinical performance by stifling your risk-taking and flexibility.

In fact, I know some hiring managers (me included) who hesitate to hire new grads who seem to be obsessed with being perfect all the time. We have learned from experience that such people sometimes have a great deal of difficulty adapting to the real world of professional practice,

I used to be obsessive about grades in high school -- but got over it in college.

I don't even like the word perfectionist... The word reinforces this unhealthy outlook. It's not as if a person who says I'm a perfectionist is perfect, it actually says quite a lot to the contrary.... I declare that I am a adversifist (just made that up)... One who overcomes adversity. Do I find conflict, does it find me... Does it matter... I overcome it, right? You want to be a nurse and want to know about the possibility of a 4.0. I want to know if you understand holistic health. You have been through some tragedy, enough so that you believe it contributes to this perfectionist label. Get control of yourself, so when things happen out of your control, you won't lose control. You may not end up with a 4.0 but you will be :yeah:

I'm really not sure where my mentality regarding grades came from. I was never pushed to be perfect or anything else for that matter. Life has been really hard the past few years. My home was broken into and we lost EVERYTHING. Before that we lost all of our money opening a restaurant so we didn't have homeowners insurance. Long story short the last few years have been a struggle and I guess I see school as an opportunity to fix things. I want desperately to be out of the situation I'm in. I guess that's where it comes from... I know it's not healthy.

I think you are very insightful about why you are such a perfectionist about school and, in my opinion, you hit the nail right on the head. From reading your responses you seem to have a good head on your shoulders and will take the great advice given by the responders. I became an extreme perfectionist/borderline OCD when I went away to college when I never had been before. I know for me it was b/c I felt very out of control of my life (stress of being away from home for the first time, tough classes, roommates, etc.) so I controlled the things that I could excessively. Sounds like all of your life stressors have done the same for you. Like others have said, I bet you can get a 4.0 but you don't have to do it with all 100's. However, if you don't but you are learning and really doing your best, try to be satisfied. Hard, I know. You'll do great.

I thought nursing school was a joke academically. It was an enormous volume of material but it wasn't particularly challenging intellectually.

I finished with a 3.97... The one A- came during the semester that my wife left me.

I see no reason to expect that your grades in nursing school will be any different than they are in any other classes.

A joke academically? I have so many questions and comments for you, but unfortunately I'm knee deep in advanced pharmacology right now, but it is none too funny, haha

A joke academically? I have so many questions and comments for you, but unfortunately I'm knee deep in advanced pharmacology right now, but it is none too funny, haha

Comparatively speaking, yes.

Going on my 8th year here at AN and figure to be here many more so feel free to keep an eye out for me and post your questions and comments when you're able. I'll look forward to them.

Specializes in hospice.
I thought nursing school was a joke academically. It was an enormous volume of material but it wasn't particularly challenging intellectually.

I finished with a 3.97... The one A- came during the semester that my wife left me.

I see no reason to expect that your grades in nursing school will be any different than they are in any other classes.

This gives me hope. ;)

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

I am in an RN-BSN online program (I already have my ASN). I have 2 semesters left. I have a 4.0 average. I have never been an A student. I believe the only reason I can maintain my average is because I am an older student, my full-time job gives me time to work on homework and I don't have any small children at home. Otherwise, I'm sure I would be riding a C average like a cowgirl on a bull going for an 8 second ride.....just praying to hang on. :-) C=BSN. I'll take it if needed!

I like to check AN during study breaks... Awesome site for sure. Anyways, duskyjewel, what gives you hope, one persons relative perspective of nursing school? There is far too many lurking variables to assess based off the response of one poster. More importantly, hope for what, the perfect 4.0. What do you intend to do once you obtain a 4.0, put it on a bumper sticker? You are grossly missing what nursing school is made of, who cares if your grades are 4.0 if you are a 2.0 at building therapeutic relationships with your patients. Please check back when you are in school... I love to motivate, but anyone on this site suggesting your head is in the right place right now is not reading in between the lines. And that is exactly what people who specialize in mental health do. I am not suggesting I am one of those people now, but I hope to be in the future. Regardless, you need to speak with an objective listener.

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