Nursing school with Children


Specializes in ICU, Radiology,Infectious Disease,Forensic Nursing.

Hi everyone! I was accepted today into my first choice nursing school! I Will for sure be popping some bottles later! Now that my acceptance has sunk in a bit now all of the uncertainties are beginning to surface.

I know there are plenty of mothers going through nursing school, and many are doing amazing. What were your strategies for success? Do you have any advice for other mothers? I know this is going to take hard work and dedication, as it already has for me to get to this point. I am married to a wonderful man who is always willing to help when he can, but his full time schedule does cause some limitations. How did you ace nursing school with children?

Specializes in Emergency Department.

I'm a dad who works full-time, who has a daughter that's 9 years old right now, and I have a wife that works full-time as well. While my specific gender isn't like yours, my situation probably is pretty close. The thing is that we all have to make sacrifices. You will need to let your child/children know that your time with them is very precious to you and you will have a very busy schedule while you're in school. It really helps if your child knows that and is willing to buy in to helping you get through school. This means trying to not bother you much while you're studying. Even though you may be at home, your studies are very important. Your husband is going to have to be willing to pick up some of the more "wifely" duties that you do so that you can do your studies and get through school. Most importantly, he's going to have to become the #1 person that the kid(s) go to first for things, and handle some of the disciplinary things, and so on. In short, your husband is going to have to do his best to keep things running smoothly.

It may mean that he has to adjust his work schedule to accommodate picking up the kids from school or ensuring that they're with someone that can babysit them until he gets home. This is all completely doable for most people, but once you get your husband and child/children to buy-in to this, things will get a whole lot easier and better. You'll also have to tolerate some things being put on the back-burner because it's just too much for the rest of the family to deal with right then. That includes being able to spend a lot of time with the rest of your family and friends, especially at first. As you get settled into school, you'll find where and when you can "afford" to spend time with family and friends.

You'll be in Nursing School, you're not going to become a hermit!

Specializes in ICU, Radiology,Infectious Disease,Forensic Nursing.

You have many valid points and I appreciate you taking the time to respond :-) I think I have begun to believe all of the nursing school horror stories. My major concern is my child is only 8 months old and I have never sent her off to a babysitter, which will have to happen. Becoming adjusted to the new schedule and becoming comfortable after learning new study habits can only make things run smooth in the future.

Thank you very much for your post, I found a lot of comfort from it.

I suggest baby going to good daycare center if you have access to one. You as a mother will know if it feels like a good choice. 3-4 days a week with your husbands support should help you. If you are doing a 1 yr accelerated degree choose 4 days week unless dad has time to cover. There's this horrible notion that daycare centers are scary, but if you find one that you researched as safe and feels safe to you, baby will have a headstart on social and learning skills. Just make sure dad is there for you during school and just a heads up, the first year as a nurse is just like nursing school. OK, that's my advice for mom. The nursing field is tough right now. Just make sure your investment in time and money equals your expectation. Please research. It is physically and mentally demanding. Sounds like your husband is supportive tho. I won't sugar coat it.

I'm not quite in nursing school yet. But I am a Mom. A single mom to two, ages 2 and 4. I've had to put my kids into daycare since they were babies, because I had no choice but to work. Finding a good care provider for your kids makes a world of difference. I really love the place my kids have been at the past 1.5 years.

I tell me kids I am in school. My 4 year old knows about school so she kind of gets it. She loves to help hold note cards for me as I study. She is very happy to help Mommy. :-)

You build a village. I have friends, my parents, and recently an amazing boyfriend who all help out.

I think going to school and pursuing dreams is an amazing thing to teach our children. So I just keep going and keep faith that it will all work out. :-)

Although I do not have children myself, my mother went back to school for her bachelor's degree when I was 9 (and my brother entered kindergarten). I would say that the most important factor is to have a supportive network beside and behind you. You cannot do it all -- you will need to delegate some things and your network willing to step in for anything you need.

My father took over all shopping (including grocery shopping), did much of the weekday cooking, and also did the easy laundry. We boys picked up extra chores (I was the vacuumer and changed sheets, my younger brother was in charge of bathrooms and dusting). The more that we all did to pitch in (and allow Mom to study on weekdays) meant the more time we could do family things on weekends.

Mom's return to school also underscored the importance of education to both my brother and I, and we both completed graduate degrees before we were 30. We also learned that there was no 'mens/womens' work --- everyone needs to pitch in and can be cross-trained for nearly anything. Dad discovered he liked to shop for groceries and continued doing that for the rest of his life.


As a single mom, my son was 18months during nursing school. My number one advice, gather all your babysitting resource. Each semester our scheduled changed and my school threw so many last minute thing including night shift clinicals. Depending on your study habits, you might need a babysitter so you can study well. Figuring out who was going to watch my son was my number one stress. I had to put emergency funds for a babysitter in my savings. If you have family, friends, and spouse who can help, let them know now if they are willing to help...kinda like a checklist on who to call.

I'm in the same boat as you! I've never left my kids before and have been a sahm for the last six years. I keep reminding myself that other moms aren't as fortunate and have to work 40 hr weeks when their babies are just six weeks old but it's tough to leave them!

im starting an absn program thats 16m long so I'm already nervous about that!

I'm a pre-nursing student, mother of an 18 month old, and a military spouse. I have daycare funds saved up a.semester ahead because my husband works and its inevitable that he will be deployed within a year. Luckily i do know my schedule throughout the majority of my schooling. Even in pre-reqs i find it difficult to be the "perfect " everything. Keeping the house clean, errands ran, sahm for the time being, and wife. But i know it will happen and has to happen because the way the economy is its only a matter of time till i have to support our family fully. I am currently failing math but working to pass it. Luckily its a pass/fail class so it won't affect my gpa. Good luck in all of your studies. Add me if you like on here.

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