Resume question about pre-nursing exp.

Nurses Job Hunt


Hello, So I am curious what others are doing when creating their resume.

Question is .. At what point do you stop including your previous clinical (NON-RN) experience?

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Clinicals in school? They should only be on a new grad resume. If you mean CNA or LPN, then it simply needs to be listed in the previous employment section.

No, not clinicals in school.

I am saying lets say you were a RN for a few years already. and previously a CNA.. when would you decide to remove the pre-RN experience.

I removed my pre-nursing experience once I had my first licensed nurse entry, but I did have a previous career that I listed in an all inclusive entry. Once I had a couple of Nursing Jobs, I then stopped listing that entry too.

Gotcha, I was a ER tech for a few years... but I am considering just taking it out because nobody cares at this point.

Specializes in Pedi.

After you're established in your nursing career and have had a few Nursing Jobs. Now that I have had 4 nursing jobs, I don't see anything I did before nursing (especially since it was college jobs like substitute teaching and working at summer camps) to be relevant.

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