Nursing positions deeply embedded in science


Hey everyone,

So after scouring the internet and as much of AN forums as I possibly could, to no avail, I've come to you all with a question.

I currently have my BS in Biology and work in an andrology lab at a major reproductive medicine. I've been considering two routes. One is to pursue a Masters in Science concentrating on genomics or neuroscience, and going on to do research in industry. Two is to matriculate into one of the ABSN programs I was accepted to and be an RN in an ICU (ideally).

I enjoy them both for very very different reasons, and these reasons admittedly may appear to be naive and ignorant to some, so do not hesitate to correct me.

The research provides the deep intellectual stimulation that I seek, answering the "why" I so often ask myself in my head. Genetics and neurology have been passions of my since undergrad. The downside is often times the day to day tasks in research are extremely mundane, and this raises a quality of life issue in my book.

The RN side has the awesome patient care everyone is aware of, and I am extremely excited about this. On top of that, the extensive knowledge of the human body and its intricasies can only help one become more competent and efficient at providing quality care as well.

So I pose this question to you all. Are there any fields in nursing that eventually bring you deeper into the science of a certain field? Requiring you know the pathophysiology of certain diseases, etc. etc.? I know research nursing requires you to know the protocol, and the study in its entirety, but I mean delve really deeper into the science and literature.

Thanks for your time, and looking forward to hearing any insights you may have to offer!


this thread is starting to remind me of the classic phrase, "mental masturbation." op, get off your theoretical butt and go do something.

yes, and that something should not be nursing school. the education is inadequate, the job will get boring after some time, and you'll be burnt out because of the boringness and the amount of work you have to complete in such a short shift.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
Fran, I am not trying to minimize the study that nurses have to go to but its not as hard as either pre-med or pre-pharmacy. I took all the pre-nursing classes and aced them all because I naturally love the biological sciences. Infact, my Biology 1101 was more difficult than most of my pre-nursing science classes. Nursing is a good profession and deserves respect but to say its as difficult as pre-med or pharmacy is inaccurate.

What makes nursing school difficult is the tedious grading system, large work load, and hostility of the nursing school instructors.

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