What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

Here is my most gross, yucky, disgusting nursing story! Nurses Humor Article


I was working a night shift on a tele floor as a new Nurse.

We had this one poor old lady who was confused and was restrained as usual for her safety. She was our designated resident nightmare geri from hell, so she was placed near the Nurse's station.

So we are chilling out at the Nurse's station, chatting and trying to get through another night...

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see our lady in question standing in the dimly lit doorway of her room!

I instantly leap out and run to her. As I approach her, she appears to be falling towards me, so I meet her in a bear hug...my arms around her waste, and her arms around my shoulders.

As I catch the lady, I notice a very strong smell of feces, and I feel something warm on my hands, arms and shoulders...

My fellow heroes come in behind me, and as the lights are turned on, my worst fears are instantly realized.

Yes, I caught the poor old lady with a good old bear hung football catch, but I was also covered in the lady's feces.

As I look at her, she has feces smeared all over her arms and hands... (and even her face!)

And of course, now so did I! :D

More on the worms, have you ever seen an NGT plugged with an adult worm???? Ascaris lumbricoides....urgh!!!

ARg.. I hope I never see either! yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

More on the worms, have you ever seen an NGT plugged with an adult worm???? Ascaris lumbricoides....urgh!!!

ARg.. I hope I never see either! yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

More on the worms, have you ever seen an NGT plugged with an adult worm???? Ascaris lumbricoides....urgh!!!
Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
:p Yuck,yuck,yuck,and more yuck! I always suspected strings of spaghetti. Now I wonder if it's dried worms instead. :rolleyes: Yuck, yuck,yuck! :p
Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
:p Yuck,yuck,yuck,and more yuck! I always suspected strings of spaghetti. Now I wonder if it's dried worms instead. :rolleyes: Yuck, yuck,yuck! :p

This really isn't all that bad but it just grossed me out last Tuesday. We coded this lady who came in because of gross hematuria. Apparently, she has a bladder mass or something that just won't stop bleeding, so she was on continuous bladder irrigation, when she "coded." After being revived, I went in to help my new LVN and show her how flushing an irrigation is done. So I went on, flushed a little bit of saline and drew out about 3 full big syringes of blood clots!!!! Of course, I had to empty the syringe to a basin first(and try not to splatter blood all over me), before drawing more from the foley. I almost gagged in that room. I can handle blood but that was just gross....

This really isn't all that bad but it just grossed me out last Tuesday. We coded this lady who came in because of gross hematuria. Apparently, she has a bladder mass or something that just won't stop bleeding, so she was on continuous bladder irrigation, when she "coded." After being revived, I went in to help my new LVN and show her how flushing an irrigation is done. So I went on, flushed a little bit of saline and drew out about 3 full big syringes of blood clots!!!! Of course, I had to empty the syringe to a basin first(and try not to splatter blood all over me), before drawing more from the foley. I almost gagged in that room. I can handle blood but that was just gross....

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

I had one of them once too. The poor woman had endstage cervical cancer. She had an ng tube in for drainage, she had a feeding tube, and she had a foley catherer. When I first saw her it literally shocked me. Her torso was HUGE, and she kept moaning, "please somebody, help me. I have to pee so bad my stomach hurts!" When the foley was irrigated, and the bunch of huge blood clots came out, it was amazing how fast and how much her torso deflated.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

I had one of them once too. The poor woman had endstage cervical cancer. She had an ng tube in for drainage, she had a feeding tube, and she had a foley catherer. When I first saw her it literally shocked me. Her torso was HUGE, and she kept moaning, "please somebody, help me. I have to pee so bad my stomach hurts!" When the foley was irrigated, and the bunch of huge blood clots came out, it was amazing how fast and how much her torso deflated.

Back when I was a nursing student I had a stab wound patient with a chest tube. The pt. had repeatedly clamped the tube and detached it himself from the PleuroVac to go smoke. This time he forgot to unclamp it. The doc was furious and was removing it. No one told me not to stand at the foot of the bed. When the doc yanked the tube out, all the pleural "slush" collected in the tube slung across the front of my shirt and arms. There was a nice blank spot on the wall where I had stood, and I spent the rest of the day in scrubs!

Back when I was a nursing student I had a stab wound patient with a chest tube. The pt. had repeatedly clamped the tube and detached it himself from the PleuroVac to go smoke. This time he forgot to unclamp it. The doc was furious and was removing it. No one told me not to stand at the foot of the bed. When the doc yanked the tube out, all the pleural "slush" collected in the tube slung across the front of my shirt and arms. There was a nice blank spot on the wall where I had stood, and I spent the rest of the day in scrubs!