The good times at work *think of a moment that always makes you laugh*

Nurses Humor


Specializes in Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,.

We have tough jobs, and tough jobs must have their funniest moments. Think of a moment when you wished you had a camera to capture it on film, and put it in a show titled "Nursings funniest video's"

Come on! We all have had these moments.

Okay, I'll start.

I am an all around phobic! I'm afraid of everything, especially the dark.

I was working a PM shift. During dinner time, it was rather dark and stormy out. The wind must have hit a powerline or something. It all went black in the diningroom. I screamed, hit the floor and proceeded to crawl under a table of alert and oriented residents. I started the heavy breathing, the whining, the crying. "It's dark! turn the lights back on!"

The emergancy generator kicked in about 30 seconds later. The nurses, the residents, and other CNA's were in the diningroom remaining very calm. As soon as the lights kicked in, one of the nurses said "Where's Amanda?" I crawled out from under that table, with tears in my eyes. Everyone starts LAUGHING at me!!! I began to laugh too. To this day, I am still being clowned about it! Now I wish some one had a camera. I bet I looked really silly!

So tell me your story!

mandi, good thread topic.....l will think about this and get back...hmmmmm............LR

Specializes in Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,.

Another expiriance comes to mind. DISCALMOR: I LOVE TO BE THE BUTT OF ALL JOKES.

While I was taking my CNA class, there was some constuction going on outside the classroom by an inmate crew. We were asked not to be flirting with them or anything on our breaks. That was back when I was a non-smoka :), so i didn't feel the need to go outside for my breaks anyways. I stayed in the classroom along with a couple other students and kept studying. On my lunch break I did go out so that I could go across the street to the LTC to get some grub. The Other CNA student who I was with, was very immature and was giggling about the inmates on our way back. The class was beginning to get back in session, when we walked in, and they all heard the giggling, and thought that it was me to. I guess we must have gotten a phonecall right away, and "we" were told to stop doing that.

Little old me, not wanting to get introuble, let something dumb slip out of my mouth. "Oh, I didn't even look at them, because I didn't want to AROUSE them or anything."

The WHOLE class went into a fit of non-stop laughter. I'm all like "What's so funny?"

They were like "AROUSE them?"

To this day, when I go off on my lunchbreak at work, some still say, "Don't AROUSE anyone on your way out Amanda!"

Ok OK ........THe other night at work an aide from another unit was showering a had tarry stool while in the transfer sling had to be removed as there was no other way to clean her some of us from our floor had promised to help move this very heavy lady back into her bed when she was finished....

we get to her room ....four off us pick her up and hoist her into bed....only ....I get stuck under her....head and arms are sticking out ....kind of flailing about .....and the other three are rolling...finally did dig me out of there....but i still all kinds of jibes over that one. :chuckles:

Years ago, I worked inpt hospice.

We had this one really sweet old retired navy guy as a pt. His wife was always with him, and the two of them had great senses of humor.

One noc, this man needed to be cathed. But, his member was soooo tiny, that I couldn't "get a grip" on it.

His wife noticed the trouble I was having. She said "It's little bitty one, isn't it? We call it 'rosebud.' "

That was funny enough, but then the sweet little old man said "That's right. It's so small, I can't even get it into a duck."


They must have noticed the look of confused alarm on my face, because the wife put her hand on my shoulder and said "Dear, in the military, a urinal is known as a 'duck' ."

We all cracked up.


Don't know if everyone has clinical testing days- the last big test of nursing school where you are assigned a patient and have to do all the cares and figure everything out yourself- no resources and your instructor follows you around the entire day, clipboard in hand...

Well, on my clinical testing day, I was assigned a young man who had a prosthetic leg. While my instructor is sitting there, grading my physical assessment, I go to check CMS and remark " His right leg is a lot colder than the left," thinking I am being very thorough in my assessment... it took me about two seconds to realize why... what a dork!

Specializes in Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,.

ha ha ha!!!! keep them coming. i'm depressed today and need a little humor to perk me up :)

Another funny story from my old hospice unit-

One noc, we had a pt that spoke only spanish. This lady had a bad lady partsl yeast infection, and I got an order for Monestat suppositories.

The other nurse working w/ me knew a little spanish, but not much. We had to figure out a way to tell this woman what the med was for and what we were going to do. I mean, you can't just insert a vag supp into a pt without explaining it first!

My co-worker did not know the proper spanish word for "lady parts", She only knew slang spanish word for it, which is "puchi", (literal translation: stinky).

So, she ended up telling the pt "aqui es medicina por su puchi"

translated: "here is medicine for your stinky."

Luckily, the pt had a good sense of humor and started laughing. The other nurse and I were relieved that we had not offended the pt, and joined the pt in her laughter.

The pt let us insert the supp, no problem.

An adendum: I later learned that the spanish word for lady parts is the same as the english word. Only difference is that the "g" is pronounced like an "h".


This is kind of gross, but it's now a running joke...

We had a pt come in for SVT. One night, we watched him convert from a textbook NSR to SVT. One nurse stood outside the pt's and yelled to me at the desk, "Watch this! Mr X...pick your nose!" and about a second after she said that, he converted back to NSR.:eek:

So we've now decided that the new treatment to break SVT is to have the pt pick their nose!;)

Whwn I worked in LTC we had a resident who woukd "shroud" the covers over himself at night. The rooms had 3 beds and were numbered a,b,c starting at the door.This man was in A bed. His roomate passed away one night and after post mortum care we pulled the sheet over him.The privacy curtains were pulled between all 3 beds. When the mortuary came to pick the deceased up we told them "room 123 Bed C". Well,they read the beds wrong and went to A bed. Our resident was there with the sheet over himself sound asleep. We heard a loud yell, resident and funeral home attnedants running out of the room and down the hall.He was yelling "Im not dead yet".It reminded me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail scene about"bring out yor dead".

Specializes in Hospice, Critical Care.
Originally posted by Hellllllo Nurse

They must have noticed the look of confused alarm on my face, because the wife put her hand on my shoulder and said "Dear, in the military, a urinal is known as a 'duck' ."

We all cracked up.


Oh, Hellllllo Nurse!!! I had a patient who used that term and I've never heard it before or after!!! I've told the story a million times and no one has ever heard it before either! As I was settling in an elderly male patient one day, he said to me.... "Don't forget my duck!" Baffled I just looked at him. "The urinal!" he clarified. He explained to me that as a child he had spent months in a tuberculosis sanitarium. The nuns who ran the sanitarium referred to the urinal as a "duck." I have never heard it used before or since and I have told a lot of male patients about it (I just think it's a great term!). I was beginning to think I dreamed the event! Thanks!

Originally posted by Hellllllo Nurse

Years ago, I worked inpt hospice.

We had this one really sweet old retired navy guy as a pt. His wife was always with him, and the two of them had great senses of humor.

One noc, this man needed to be cathed. But, his member was soooo tiny, that I couldn't "get a grip" on it.

His wife noticed the trouble I was having. She said "It's little bitty one, isn't it? We call it 'rosebud.' "

That was funny enough, but then the sweet little old man said "That's right. It's so small, I can't even get it into a duck."


They must have noticed the look of confused alarm on my face, because the wife put her hand on my shoulder and said "Dear, in the military, a urinal is known as a 'duck' ."

We all cracked up.



kinky is using feathers..... perverted is using the whole duck...

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