Nursing dilemma


Hello Fellow RNs,

I am in need of advice. I have been working now for almost a year on unit that is very far from home (5 hours a day in commuting). I know a lot of nurses love the night shift; however, it does not fit in my schedule with my daughter. She is slipping in school and I feel it is due to the lack of supervision. I don't even get to see her when I have work because I leave before she comes home from school. I don't know what to do. I have applied everywhere! I received only one call from an interview and I feel it went very well but the HR rep said they're not done with interviewing and haven't made a final decision as of yet. The shift change is also taking a toll on my health. I have never been this sick before. My MD even told me I have to leave but how? The unit I work on does not have any day openings even though it would be horrible working days there because my nm is rude and mean to the RNs. Any advice on what I should do? I'm even considering moving out of state at this point because I'm beyond stressed out. Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

You need to move or find another job closer...whatever it takes to get your health and family together. Just start applying to jobs out of state if that's the only option you have. It doesn't hurt to apply.

5 hours is crazy!

You need to move or find another job closer...whatever it takes to get your health and family together. Just start applying to jobs out of state if that's the only option you have. It doesn't hurt to apply. 5 hours is crazy!

Thank you! My situation is so discouraging and making me question nursing. I thought there was a nursing shortage it sure doesn't seem that way. I have applied everywhere in NYC and nothing yet. I'm praying something happens soon.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

There is no nursing shortage....((HUGS))

There is no nursing shortage....((HUGS))

Thank you :)

Your doctor gave you an answer. You can take a ( medical) leave of absence.. use the time to apply, apply, apply towards a better future.

Best of luck, it's brutal out here.

If doctors offices or clinics are hiring in your area, that is one way to get a more "normal" schedule. Be aware that the pay is usually lower in a clinic than it is in a hospital or nursing home. But many nurses find it worth it to take a pay cut for the better hours and lighter (relatively) work load.

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